Struggle Strengthens Character

Vincent Apunike
4 min readNov 16, 2021


Characters remain key drivers of every story. Life itself is a story. Human beings are characters don’t you think? The main function of a story is to depict life in such a way we can relate to other people’s conditions. Life is one busy affair laden with broad challanges we usually have to face through a much narrower perspective although there is nothing wrong with widening this margin. So what a story does is bring to our immediate consciousness many more views, struggles, concepts, beliefs, inspiration, testimonies, and characters. Before I get to the reality implications of this humble title I want to mix in a bit of fiction because the best writers create important balance with the workings of their words. Tracking the arc of what I call a relatable character, it is the struggles and the ability to overcome such that keeps the story interesting. When we watch a film, listen to others, and read a book we seek out common grounds — points of intersection that matter when connoted to our experiences, circumstances, and wishes. Some characters make us laugh, weep, try hard, and love. A perfect character falls flat. There is no reason to care about a character who is not flawed or who has it all. Boring. Writers are encouraged to sprinkle the paths of characters with hurdles they must overcome, twist the plots in such a way it looks like the man, woman, or whatever has no chance, and to make them dig deeper into that bottom where strength lies. A good execution of this art brings the esoteric feel of assembled understanding we usually get when we immerse ourselves in a story. We all are characters in a certain story.

The struggle is real for everyone. Show me someone alive without challenges and we might as well be back in the biblical garden of eden. There is no place or position without their own problems. This is why thinking thoroughly before making life choices is important. Forget the shine and glamour it is basically same human instinct that drives it all. Bill Gate who we are well conversant with, is said to have a schedule similar to what a president’s looks like (no surprise here) but he pointed out that at the end of it all it’s same hamburger for every person. The struggle people recognize as the key one is usually that jump that needs to be made from a certain hindrance to freedom. The expression of this freedom is different for different people. Determination is still cool because that’s the only way to truly overcome.

Adversity has broken down some people to points of no return. Some arrive at a point in life where it is the devil and the blue sea no matter where they look. Some never really get a break. Most are dazed and can't tell one struggle from another. Others move from one to another on the same scale. No matter how I spell this out, I will be a liar if I don't state that struggle strengthens character. Character and attitude are really important and could be everything for some folks. Fire makes diamond. Every cloud has a silver lining. The mindset of positivity magnets the good, better, and best we can ever imagine. A long time ago I wrote that the storm is over and ever since the wave has been gentler.

Since subtracting struggle from the human condition is impossible, we must properly make best use of the cards we are dealt without forgetting that the universe also gives us some aces to use. I don't believe we are born to suffer although when I look at my life I wonder. Then, I hear stories about others and give God the glory for mine. I rather gather what I can to change the things I don't like instead of steeping low into the muddle of pity. Somehow it seems that life with all its travails doesn't even care and somehow death is a debt everyone will pay. How we react and act amidst the struggles, what we decide to do with them ultimately comes around in a full circle. It could be beautiful and it should as I hope or it could worsen the situation. There are things and people worth fighting for, also beliefs. No matter the way we decide to raise our children it makes sense to impact the truth that life is not always a bed of roses — a toughening up pep talk that will help them and us all anyway as we soldier on. We are winners.

