The Oppressor’s Labyrinth

Vincent Apunike
4 min readAug 20, 2021


The mistake in thinking only the oppressed suffers. It is the oppresors that have no peace of mind. They do and will always suffer the most. There is no escaping that fate. The misunderstanding of how the universe works even when we think we know everything about the world. There are things not yet revealed even to the most learned. There are concepts the proud and self-conceited go the length to acquire for their continuous nefarious purposes that is readily availble to those they trample upon. The neglect of the simple little things which we cannot always control and which goes a long way. Control—the biggest illusion of all. We take a lot for granted. Respect and the forgetfullness when it comes to the reciprocity of it. Karma and it’s power. I have never been afraid to say it to those who use what they have against me that it will surely return to them and their folks. When you conspire against someone’s dreams and way of life because you think you have achieved it all, that wickedness you give out returns to people you care about. Hiding behind resources and institutions forgeting there is no hiding being human. No there is not. No one is above nature and it’s courses probably why people try to implement their frustrations and jealousy on the ones they assume they can do that to. Pride and the other side of it. The confusion of it all thinking of new ways to implement evil while struggling to hide from the repercussions of past attrocities. The labyrinth, maze, webbed which entagles your feet and that of the people you care about each time hatred is perpetuated, each time selfishness, ego and suppression is fronted instead of love.

Oppression happens on different levels. It could be the little things we take for granted because it means little to our status and power whereas it is a means of life and hope for another. The worst is when the oppressor deals and hide their hands leaving the victim to wonder with the little might left where and how what is happening is coming from. It comes around. There is a reward for that and providence never neglects the cry of the oppresed. It never does. One of the biggest prayer. And no matter how big one feels, there is always something to humble the person. No matter the riches one has, there is always something they lack. Every little deed of oppression returns to the person and people involved directly or indirectly. It is part of the energy that cannot be destroyed.

I hope am not out here sounding like a victim because that mentality doesn’t always help. And my intentions are not to make anybody feel bad although I must point out some truths based on some dealings that hampered my confidence of lately. I have been in the other receiveing end of what it means to have less and encounter those that have more and a bigger tendency to use what they have against. Whilst it comes down to perspectives and values that directs someone else’s integrity there is no denying some elements of oppresiveness that emanated from actions of certain people especially those who I showed love and respect. Those of who I wonder what their stake in a particular situation is. Those who cannot put their ego aside. Those who think a wave of their hands or the mention of their names is what it takes for every thing under the sky to adjust to their wants. Nope, not close at all. Those who probably are used to things going their way and I mean why not with all they have acquired and all only to get disappointed when the opposite becomes the case.

I wouldn’t sit down here and judge, point fingers, and assume innocence in the face of it all. The idea behind this topic comes from a particular sage that roughly translates "When an adult holds up something belonging to a crying child, when his hands ache, he surely bring it down and give it to the kid." But it’s like some don’t care about the crying child or are either strong to be discouraged by the discomfort, or are bent on holding up whatever it is, that I had to come up with something similar. When something important to this oppressor is taken away he must have to consider readjusting a bit or when they realize what is they are holding up in the first place. Anyway, the effort it takes to keep someone down doesn’t taste like freedom, does it?

