To The Universe,

Vincent Apunike
4 min readJul 31, 2021


A prayer and praise.

The universe to me is that biggest whole. That perfect togetherness of all things. A representation of us all. Where we come from, where we are, and where we going. Everything we interact with living and non-living. The space and galaxies. Planetary bodies. Truths undiscovered and those already defined. God. A part of us all in creation. Conscious and unconscious. Reality and all the alternatives. I look up to the sky for succor especially at night when the stars lit up the sky brightly. I look at the horizon and wonder how far. I let the breeze slap my face to a sighing smile praying I succeed in this personal Pursuit of my own Happiness because I deserve it and everything is everything. I could get poetic and rhythmic but that’s not my purpose here. I only want to put out my worries and lay claim to my blessings leveraging my own unique power of which every human being has. Not because I am all that deserving of all the good things my soul desires but because there is a way where there is a will and the good books assure us that when we ask we shall receive. I am asking for favor. Then there is faith, hard work and dedication. My efforts. I let the universe be the fulcrum that lifts loads which are a part of it. My solicitations are childlike. Looking at the faraway billowing of the ocean I always admit man is but a little peck in the big order of things and yet we pack strength and can all make a difference. I want to make a difference. I have been on a path towards that and I hope to continue to that fulfilment in a way that seranades the obstacles I had to deal with.

I have a dream. I let this echo out to the powerful proclamation of those words. I do have a dream and dreams come true. I am working on mine. I have a purpose and a way to it. I have influences. I have desires. I have the need to contribute ever as a kid when I would learn about discoveries and sulk away to a corner haranguing myself for not being intelligent enough to invent something. This was before I heard a professor task us to the need to make sure we contribute something to the world because invariably when we die, we must become part of the soil and whatever organism that requires nutrients which we digested from plenty organisms when we were alive would take over. Continuing that cyclical process as elucidated in a different light by this author. I realized my own power when at a very young age I started to read. My mind widened because I realized the world is a big and yet a small village. There are many characters, we all are, and we can choose the role to play. I turned to writing and that serves as a means of this prayer.

This is a prayer and praise. I am grateful and must show gratitude for the occurrences outside the scope of my control that worked in my favor. The inexplicable things especially as when it occurred, turning out to be a part of a wheel, making sense, connecting, delivering a lesson and inspiring. Thank You. My life right now is shallow like observing a glass of water and wondering if its half-full or half-empty. The emptiness I suppose to the disposal of situations and people I don’t need no more, wringing from it lessons. I pray for things to get better and I know it will because hard times fade away. The half-full and still filling is this beautiful journey to who I want to become. The valuable gems I picked up along the way. The blessings I must count. Presently I have a manuscript that is slowly brewing. I pray this book gets published in the United States and open up the door to a certain professionalism I have been knocking on. I dedicate it to my Grandma Mrs. Veronica Apunike because one day she came in and asked what is Facebook? Looking at me she said when she dies we should post it there and let the world know about it. I said as a writer I would recognize her for the role she played in sparking my creative journey. I also dedicate it to a certain family somewhere and the role they played in this virtue of hope for at a while a man has to ask and define where home is? July is among my favorite month now for good reasons. It is not only by my power that is why I ask the larger whole of existence to shuffle in my favor. Bring the people and opportunities I need to get where I desire. Help me effect change and link the better past to brand new posterity. Dear Universe, please heed my cry.

