Trust is Earned

Vincent Apunike
4 min readOct 20, 2021


Roses are red. Facebook is blue. Trust is earned. Love is forever. Respect is reciprocal. Clouds have silver linings. Truth hurts. Truths got so many shades. Time flies. Time heals. Time is timeless. Nothing is Impossible. Conversation rules the world. Diplomacy is key. Understanding is more. It comes around. One can tell the difference between new and a shattered glass pieced back together. Everyday is an opportunity. There is good in everyone. The world is big and small at the same time. Dreams come true. Hardwork pays. There are fruits for our labors. The mind is a weapon. There are so many one-liners out there. Many of them true. Many of them morph into something else when it’s application time. Some of them depends on how one sees them. Some have been amended but we ain’t got the memo yet. Some have been disproven totally or subject to. Most anyway remain concrete guidelines to better living. Trust is earned remains veritable maybe because people say trust no one. Who is to be trusted and where does the burden lie if one decides to? Trust in God for sure. Trust in your ability.

Think about those moments we trusted someone. The different degrees of stakes at risk. Your life at risk. There are times I refuse to bother another human with such weight not due to the quality of their characters but a safer bet on self. Which raises the next question, how much do we or should we trust ourselves? When trust is broken, an affair that might have taken years to build but only a second diminish, where should the fingers of blame be pointed? On oneself for being vulnerable and stupid? It feels real stupid when that happens. On the other person or on circumstances beyond the control of those involved? What difference does it make? Fingers crossed or bitten out of shape, heart racing, neglected hints jumping to the surface, discarded alternatives proving important, time slows or hastens depending on the situation, sweating under the rain, feet that cannot stop tapping the floor — the question remains, what will be the outcome? If it’s this and I hope it is then…If it’s this other thing what happens? Maybe I do this but then it leads to this other thing that causes another...worst is when there is nothing left to do. So what happens? It works out because trust is earned.

Trust is faith but usually involves a bit of fate because one can be assured of themselves but what can be said for another? There are manipulations. It is true. Someone might wait years to earn the other person’s trust only to disappoint at the appointed time. Aye, there is a profession built on this maneuver. It works on vulnerability and that is why it is powerful. That is why it cuts deeply when it goes wrong. The opposite of trust is betrayal, a vice found among friends and never among enemies. Trust is also confidence. A belief in self and others realizing since reality flexes to always provide an outcome, actively doing what must be done becomes the only way. Picking up tools we have, making sacrifices, and persisting renumerates the potency of trust. We out here already, we all are born, we all are in it, we all have opportunities to become or reasons not to, so, the propositioning of our commitments creates a binding trust where any sides to it fits the larger spectacle.

No one wants to give more than they can afford to lose. Yet, everyone wants to enjoy the larger human connection that comes from thinking less about ourselves sometimes. The hurt from lack of trust invariably creates a stronger bond for the next possibility. Working to earn trust raises the bar which informs self development. Trust creates communion which challenges our integrity. I cannot state explicitly the processes of earning trust because there is no one way. The issues of first impressions cannot be neglected because there are moments either out of sheer spontaneity, urgent circumstance, or animal attraction that propel us to make decisions in a jiffy. Grand bets. Due to natural instincts they tend to work out fine. Friendships and most relationships are built on trust this is because these ships are shaped by elements of choice. I have heard people say they would choose trust over love. There is a relationship between the two. There is also a popular belief which I don’t know for sure the origin but have seen it play out. Long time friends clash or should I say some rifts tend to strengthen some bonds. If that is true how does it relate to the metaphor of the shattered glass? Trust is earned. It is possible. It is advised because no one is an island and there is good in everyone strong enough to lean on. While maintaining trust helps the other person involved I believe the better payoff is in the satisfaction that we are trustworthy.

