Voices Of Fairness

Vincent Apunike
4 min readDec 23, 2021


We all have a voice, literally. That sweet music when we talk, the draw of our laughter, and the infectious jolly joy when our communications connect right. Usually, we have unique tonality that those who know us identify us with. We also have a voice that speaks out through our actions. Our style is our voice. Our behaviors which speak volumes of our character all amount to our voices. The voices of fairness embody the spirit of inclusion, the progressiveness of the community, the betterment of life as we know it, and the encouragement that comes from the knowledge that we have more to do. Voice of fairness sings this tune that behind all the facade there are truths we shade, little things we can afford to do just to put a smile on other’s face, empathy, concern such that every other person lives a bit better.

The voice of fairness is also that of women who have screamed for equality for ages. Till now I wonder the design that made it a man’s world. When we take stock of progress in the world at large since women’s suffrage the only sensible thing is to empower them the more. It doesn’t make me weak when I speak out for women. Matter of fact the reverse scares me. They say what a man can do a woman can do better sometimes I wonder if the vice versa is true. Naturally women are more connected to the universe. They are more intune. They have this healing grace. One woman suffering is the whole world suffering. One woman denied an opportunity is a whole generation shortchanged. I really don’t know how else to say this. Yet with every poll and almost in every circumstance, you find out women are relegated to the backseat. The one being that brings human life to earth and make every other wonderful thing possible. When I step out and see people going about their business sometimes I remind myself that everyone on this busy road came from a woman, was bore for nine months, suckled, and coddled. It gives me joy to see women take on bigger projects in the society, ascend to loftier positions, and bring different outlook to things we take for granted. They have the detailed eyes and can do more. We gotta heed their voices.

The voice of fairness is also represented in the struggles of minorities all over the world. Till you walk in someone else’s shoes it might be hard to understand where it pinches the most. Being black is amazing. All over the continent I still believe there is more equality to be achieved, more advancement to be sought. I am proud of the achievements over the decade but now is not the time to get cold feet. Some barabaric acts are becoming history but we shouldn’t rest our laurels because indeed another form of unfairness might have taken a strong hold. Systematic oppression and restriction is a dangerous model whereby on the surface no one is to be blamed or maybe just a few. The precepts are intertwined deep into the fabrics and mechanism of the society including international relations such that when a voice cries out for fairness we think it is merely crying wolf. It destructs in such a way others not affected doesn’t know how to help or think they don’t. When some live in perpetual fear and others don’t it is hard to describe. When one walks around knowing they fit a stereotype somewhere they don’t even know about and hope to make it home safely you can tell we can do better. Things are changing, for instance, music of this generation and the last have bridged a huge social gap. Social media which sometimes makes us neglect immediate human connections have helped a larger broad of people across the board see there is no reason for everyone not to unite and treat each other with dignity.

I don’t know if it fits but while deciding to write about this topic Voices I remember it is also an intro song for a famous wrestler Randy Orton. Hell, I don’t know if this fits. But why it’s important to note something like this is the way we deal with the voices in our heads. Don’t know about you but sometimes I get hit with all these perspectives, ideas, and advice especially when I have a big decision to make. When it gets like this I take some time off to relax and listen to the fairer voice which often starts off quietly but most times turns out to be what’s more inline with our guts. The voice of fairness opens the door to opportunity. Fairness is something to practice because every time we show concern to others things work out better for us.

