Integrating Pundi X as part of the Virtual Rehab Solution

Virtual Rehab
6 min readJul 4, 2019

Virtual Rehab’s evidence-based solution leverages the advancements in virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and blockchain technologies for psychological rehabilitation of vulnerable populations (pain management, prevention of substance use disorders, enhancement of autistic individuals’ communication skills, and rehabilitation of repeat offenders)

Hello Virtual Rehab Community,

Hope you are well.

First off, thank you for all the love received post our announcement of our partnership with Pundi X. The support received was great and we very much appreciate it.

Second, thank you for voting for us to be hosted on the Binance podcast. We received over 100 votes and we are excited about the potential opportunity. We are still awaiting official communication from the Binance team as to whether they will go ahead with our invitation. We shall keep you all posted.

And now, to the topic of this Medium article — how is Pundi X going to be integrated as part of the Virtual Rehab solution?

We have received numerous questions about this and we hope that this article will clarify our partnership with Pundi X further.

As many of you already know by now, Virtual Rehab provides evidence-based solutions using…

