Market Leader Virtual Rehab To Launch Private Token Sale

Virtual Rehab
3 min readSep 26, 2018


Virtual Rehab’s evidence-based solution uses Virtual Reality, Artificial Intelligence, & Blockchain technology for Pain Management, Prevention of Substance Use Disorders, and Rehabilitation of Repeat Offenders.

Virtual Rehab is pleased to announce that they will be launching their Private Token Sale on the first of October of 2018.

Virtual Rehab is the market leader in offering psychological rehabilitation for vulnerable populations using virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and blockchain technologies for pain management, prevention of substance use disorders, and rehabilitation of repeat offenders. Since inception, the efficacy of Virtual Rehab’s evidence-based solution along with their team have been globally recognized for their accomplishment.

Virtual Rehab’s all-encompassing solution covers the following pillars:

  1. Virtual Reality — A virtual simulation of the real world using cognitive behavior and exposure therapy to trigger and to cope with temptations
  2. Artificial Intelligence — A unique expert system to identify areas of risk, to make treatment recommendations, and to predict post-therapy behavior
  3. Blockchain — A secure network to ensure privacy and decentralization of all data and all information relevant to vulnerable populations
  4. $VRH Token — An ERC20 utility token that empowers users to purchase services and to be rewarded for seeking help through Virtual Rehab’s online portal

The $VRH utility token has four distinct use cases:

  1. Allows users to order and download programs from Virtual Rehab Online Portal
  2. Allows users to request additional analysis (using Virtual Rehab unique expert system, which uses Artificial Intelligence) of executed programs
  3. Incentivizes users with $VRH tokens reward for seeking help and counselling from medical doctors, psychologists, and therapists (Proof of Therapy)
  4. Allows users to pay for services received at the Virtual Rehab Therapy Center (VRTC)

Some of Virtual Rehab’s notable successes include the following:

  • Evidence-based solution with proven efficacy results approved by physicians, psychologists, and therapists
  • 87% of participating patients have shown an overall improvement across various metrics
  • Described by US Digital Government Head as a “capability that is very very promising for public services”
  • Only VR/AI company included in the US Department of Justice, Institute of Corrections Environmental Scan report
  • Partnership agreements in-place across the North America, Europe, Middle East, and APAC regions
  • Only company to represent Canada as part of the Canadian Delegation to Arab Health
  • Selected as one of Canada’s most promising high-growth life sciences companies (Dose of the Valley, CA)
  • Featured by Microsoft’s leadership team at the Microsoft Inspire Innovation Session
  • Nominated by The Wall Street Journal for the WSJ D.LIVE Startup Showcase (Laguna Beach, CA)
  • Ranked by Spanish media as the first option for training correctional officers and rehabilitation of offenders using virtual reality
  • Featured by the media across 28 countries worldwide
  • Founder awarded with the “Expert” status by the United Nations Global Sustainable Consumption & Production (SCP) Programme with focus on Sustainable Lifestyle and Education

The minimum investment to take part in the Virtual Rehab Private Token Sale is 15,000 USD with varying bonus structures subject to contribution levels. The cost of each $VRH token is 0.10 USD. Payments are accepted in Fiat, Ethereum Coin (ETH), Binance Coin (BNB), and Credits Coin (CS). Countries excluded from Private Token Sale include the United States (except for Accredited Investors), China, Republic of Korea, and New Zealand.

Interested parties may send an e-mail to or join the Virtual Rehab telegram group at for any questions or clarifications needed.

