Virtual Rehab Adds Blockchain Heavy-Hitters to its Advisory Board

Virtual Rehab
5 min readAug 22, 2018


Virtual Rehab’s evidence-based solution uses Virtual Reality, Artificial Intelligence, & Blockchain technology for Pain Management, Prevention of Substance Use Disorders, and Rehabilitation of Repeat Offenders.

Greetings folks ! We hope you are doing well.

It’s been extremely busy on our end as we continue to engage with our community in order to spread the word about our work at Virtual Rehab.

Our KYC registrations have been fantastic thus far and we are extremely thankful for all the support we have received thus far. We look forward to continue the positive momentum we have had over the past couple of weeks.

We have also been busy onboarding new advisors to our Advisory Board and boy, it’s been absolutely fantastic.

We managed to onboard three new advisors with tremendous technical and business experience. Moreover, all three are seasoned and are quite well-respected across the blockchain industry.

Therefore, we thought of pulling together an article to re-introduce these folks to all of you. But before we do so, believe us when we say that these are extremely engaged advisors, who have already started to make a huge impact on our operations. They are surely not just pretty faces sitting on our Advisory Board and having the title of an advisor. These folks are doers and we couldn’t be more ecstatic about having them as part of our team.

So, let’s begin !

The first advisor who was recently onboarded is Paul Mears, who is the Co-Founder of Ammeris.

Paul Mears

Let us tell you more about Paul.

A ‘maven’ is a deeply trusted expert in a particular field, who seeks to pass their knowledge on to others. The word maven comes from Old Hebrew, meaning “one who understands.” This is the word that best defines Paul Mears, an experienced businessman, serial entrepreneur, and financial professional. He has held several senior positions and finance roles in a range of publicly and privately-owned companies located in several countries. As stated earlier, Paul is a founding board member and chair at Ammeris, with previous management experience with the Middle Office at the Hedge Fund of Cambridge Strategy and co-founder of Modex Tech.

Paul started his career in accounting and finance before progressing into various commercial finance management roles. Since then, Paul has worked in accounting and business management to finally become a serial seed investor focusing in biotech, medical devices, fintech, technology and its applications. He brings invaluable experience as a business angel in over 20 companies, and specializes in token offerings, community engagement, and growth strategy formation at Ammeris.

Not only is all of this absolutely fascinating, Paul’s network and support has been tremendous thus far. He surely rolls-up his sleeves and gets down to business. Thank you Paul for all the support you have lent to us thus far.

Now, on to the next advisor — Binod Nirvan — Founder of MixERP.

Binod Nirvan

An outstanding young entrepreneur !

Binod is an enthusiastic entrepreneur focusing on assisting startups turn their ideas into reality. He has an offshore team in India and Nepal that have been working together in helping several startups build revolutionary apps, highly reducing the cost to launch, and maintaining web and mobile application.

Binod has founded several ISVs specializing in CBS, Insurance, HRM, and ERP. He has over a decade of experience in developing software solutions. He is proficient in software development: Javascript, HTML5, Semantic UI, Foundation,, C#, Solidity, Java, PostgreSQL Server, and a few more.

Binod always has a passion to contribute something meaningful to the open source community and he believes when you give, you get more. MixERP project gave him an opportunity to contribute back to the open source community. MixERP is state-of-the-art, mobile friendly, and cloud-optimized ERP solution.

This gentleman has already been working very closely with us on the development of our smart contract. As many of you know already, a smart contract is extremely important to any Initial Coin Offering (ICO). Not only does it include all the necessary protocols and rules to collect all the funding we plan to raise, it is crucial that it is designed in a manner that gives all investors the peace of mind to know that their money is not going waste.

Our team has been working on developing the smart contract, and Binod will be auditing our smart contract once all our efforts is complete. Binod is well-known smart contract auditor across the blockchain industry and we could not have chosen a more reliable person to ensure that we get this done properly.

Last, but definitely not least, we announced earlier today the onboarding of Ethan Gilmore — Partner at Ammeris.

Ethan Gilmore

Ethan started his career in 2003 in the alternative investment space and has worked across the hedge fund, private equity, investment banking, renewable energy, media, and technology sectors.

He has been deeply involved in the blockchain space since 2015 and has spoken at such institutions as The Harvard Business School Club of New York, The National Security Institute, The Harvard Business School Club of Philadelphia, Digital Hollywood, Viacom, The Young President’s Organization, Princeton University (Frick Laboratory, Envision Conference), The New School, Silicon Beach, Jefferies and many others about distributed ledger technologies and their applications across various verticals.

Yes ! He does indeed have an extremely impressive background and an even more impressive experience.

Ethan is also well-versed with Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and Mixed Reality (MR) technologies. What can we ask for more?

We are most definitely looking forward to leveraging Ethan’s experience and global network to take Virtual Rehab to the next level and to meet our goals accordingly.

So, as you have already read, we weren’t kidding when we said in the title of this article that we have onboarded some blockchain heavy-hitters to our Advisory Board.

We are very thankful to Paul, Binod, and Ethan for entrusting in Virtual Rehab and for joining us on this very exciting journey.

Ladies and gentlemen, that’s all we have for you today. We hope that you are as excited as we are about the addition of these super stars. Now, in case you have any questions, then please do not hesitate to contact us. Drop in at our Telegram channel. We have over 20k members, so we would love to have more.

Oh, one more thing ! Our Private Sale is now OPEN ! So, if you are interested in supporting us (and we hope you do), then please drop us a line at and we would be happy to tell you more.

And always remember …

Be Safe and Make a Difference in this World !!!

Peace Out !

