Virtual Rehab Business Update

Virtual Rehab
5 min readSep 9, 2018


Virtual Rehab’s evidence-based solution uses Virtual Reality, Artificial Intelligence, & Blockchain technology for Pain Management, Prevention of Substance Use Disorders, and Rehabilitation of Repeat Offenders.

Hello Folks,

We know it’s been a long time since we posted our last article. Well, actually, only a couple of weeks ago — but it’s still a long time, especially in the crypto world. We apologize as we have been consumed with the many exciting activities which were and continue to take place with your Virtual Rehab team.

So, in order to keep you updated (aside from all the social media updates, which we hope you are enjoying) around some of the activities which we have undergone over the past couple of weeks, we have decided to pull together a business update for you.

Are you ready for this?

Alright. Let’s get going !

  • First and foremost, we are super excited to announce that Virtual Rehab has been successfully registered in Estonia. Virtual Rehab OÜ (OÜ refers to the fact that we are a private limited company in Estonia) will become our headquarters (HQ). Does that mean we will get rid of our presence in Canada and the US? Nope. It simply means that Canada and the US become Operating Companies and Estonia becomes Group (think of it this way — Canada and the US become branches while our main operations will stem from Estonia). This is extremely exciting news as our ICO will now officially launch from Estonia, which is a great step forward as it will ensure the protection of our operations as well as our supporters.
Virtual Rehab OÜ — an Estonian Company
  • Our $VRH token creation has been completed and fully audited by the one and only entrepreneur and smart contract auditor, our advisor, Binod Nirvan, who is very well-known across the industry for policing smart contracts (and believe us, he does a fine job at it). This is equally exciting as we will soon be deploying our $VRH token on the Ethereum blockchain in preparation for our token sale.
  • Our Private Sale Smart Contract has been completed and is currently undergoing very strict scrutinization and auditing by Binod Nirvan (Yes ! He literally scrutinizes everything — and we love it). Upon completion of all auditing, we will also be deploying the smart contract on the Ethereum blockchain and we will then be making an official announcement for the commencement of our Private Sale (Get ready folks ! We know you got our back).
  • After completing our deployment of the $VRH token as well as the Private Sale Smart Contract, we will be commencing our work on the Pre-Sale Smart Contract followed by the Main Sale Smart Contract. We have intentionally decided to keep each Smart Contract separate to keep things clean and simple for our operations and our supporters as well.
Ethereum Smart Contract (Not Literally)
  • Our Virtual Rehab website is going through a makeover. Upon completion, it will look amazing. Don’t take our word for it. You will see it for yourself. We look to complete our website redesign by end of September, 2018. So, you can now start saying goodbye to the one below (well not now — you still have 3 weeks to go).
Virtual Rehab Website (Soon to be “Old Website”)
  • We have executed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Ammeris Foundation, which will allow us to further collaborate with this great organization. Ammeris offers a Green, an Interoperable, and a Scalable Blockchain. The Ammeris Platform is a publicly accessible blockchain network designed to host frictionless interconnectivity between people, information databases, governments, global trade organizations, capital markets, and machines. These folks are doing some great stuff and are led by a seasoned and an experienced team of professionals from various industries. Check them out as they are conducting their ICO at this very moment.
Ammeris Foundation
  • We will be releasing a new marketing video tailored towards our supporters, which will provide a quick overview of our Virtual Rehab business, the problem we are solving, the solution, the team, the global awards, accomplishment, and recognition we have received, and much more. The video will be released by Monday, September 17th, 2018. As for now, please enjoy the one below to learn more about our work.
Virtual Rehab Overview
  • We have been invited to participate in the 911-GO program. Led by the Cosumnes Community Services District Fire Department (CCSDFD), 911-GO is a program focused on smart community risk reduction. Safety and security are enhanced by leveraging SMART infrastructure, digital assets, and artificial intelligence enabled technological solutions to deliver public awareness, mixed-reality training for firefighters and augmented cyber-physical enabled emergency response mitigation; to protect responders and save civilian lives. The program includes prominent companies such as Verizon, Motorola Solutions, ATOS and universities such as University of Birmingham, Massey University (University of New Zealand), and others.
  • We have also been invited to participate in an initiative to boost innovative partnerships between Quebec (a predominantly French Province in Canada) and Eastern France companies in the Health sector. This Franco-Canadian partnership aims to promote work around three themes — Robotics, Artificial intelligence, and Simulation & VR/AR/MR (Virtual, Augmented, Mixed Reality).
  • We are also undergoing several initiatives at the moment — announcements will be made in due time when certain milestones have been achieved, so please stay tuned for more exciting news coming your way very soon.

Ladies and gentlemen, that’s all we have for you for today. We hope that you are as excited as we are about these recent developments. Now, in case you have any questions, then please do not hesitate to contact us. Drop in at our Telegram channel. We are here to support.

Oh, one more thing ! Our Private Sale will be OPEN very soon ! So, if you are interested in supporting us (and we hope you do), then please drop us a line at and we would be happy to tell you more.

And always remember …

Be Safe and Make a Difference in this World !!!

Peace Out !

