Virtual Rehab’s All-Encompassing Solution

Virtual Rehab
8 min readJul 11, 2018


Virtual Rehab’s evidence-based solution uses Virtual Reality, Artificial Intelligence, & Blockchain technology for Pain Management, Prevention of Substance Use Disorders, and Rehabilitation of Repeat Offenders.

So folks, we’re back with our second article. We hope that you enjoyed the first one, where we provided you with a quick background of Virtual Rehab.

Now, in this article, we will tell you more about the Virtual Rehab all-encompassing solution. However, before we do so, let’s recap a couple of pointers. Yes, some detail will be repetitive, and new to those who haven’t read the first article, so all good. Deal?

Let’s Kick-it off !

Every person in life seeks a second chance. Inmates and substance addicts are no exception. In fact, they are the ones that are in most dire need for help, support, and development to become improved citizens upon their release from prisons or rehabilitation (“rehab”) centers. This is realized through correctional and rehabilitation programs that will prepare them to lead their future lives in a positive manner to avoid the possibility of repeated offenses and substance addictions.

According to the International Centre for Prison Studies, the global prison population total is currently set at 10.5 million. Prison budgets are also currently set at roughly $35.2 billion worldwide. From a rehabilitation perspective, there are approximately 255 million suffering from substance abuse and roughly $100 billion are being spent on addiction treatment worldwide. These numbers are enormous and costly to governments, tax payers, and society. Thus, there is a need for an effective rehabilitation technique that could increase persons treated and reduce costs.

Current techniques for rehabilitating persons are burdensome and typically ineffective. For example, rehab programs require counseling, medication, and/or constant monitoring that is cost-prohibitive. As such, many persons who could be successfully rehabilitated are never treated because of a lack of resources. Moreover, existing techniques for rehabilitating a person fail to provide any insights into whether those techniques are effective in real-time while the persons are being rehabilitated. Instead, a rehabilitation treatment is only deemed successful if a patient can stop being treated without relapsing. Accordingly, a need exists for a personal and a cost-effective rehabilitation system that can also be used to assess and treat persons in real-time.

Obviously, we do have a clear problem that needs to be addressed then !

So, now that we have identified a need, what are we doing at Virtual Rehab, and what is this all-encompassing solution?

Following months of studies, research, and evaluation, we launched our project with the following pillars:

  1. Virtual Reality
  2. Artificial Intelligence
  3. Blockchain (to be integrated upon our successful ICO … Thanks folks for the support)
  4. $VRH Token (that’s what we called our token “Virtual ReHab” Token … Someone took $VRT, so we passed … ughhh)

Let’s explain briefly why these four pillars.

Virtual Rehab’s Solution Pillars

So let’s start with Virtual Reality and an example of the way every single conversation we’ve had thus far with our customers has begun.

VR: So, can you start by telling us what do you know about Virtual Reality?

Customer: Oh I know Virtual Reality … isn’t it when you were those goggles on your head and start playing games?

VR: Sure. That’s one of its use. What else do you know?

Customer: My kids love them. We bought them a couple of games and they are addicted to it.

VR: (and here we are thinking to ourselves, Virtual Reality Addiction, that’s another market) Thank you. Let us tell you more about the way we use Virtual Reality.

Obviously, that’s a simplified form of the conversation. We must admit, the way it kicks-off though is always great as customers tend to be very excited about the topic. However, little do they know that there is so much more than gaming that is associated with Virtual Reality.

So, let’s share some history here.

Virtual Reality was actually used back in 1994 by Kaiser Permanente to treat acrophobics (that’s people who are afraid of heights) and guess what? Kaiser was over 90% successful. Amazing huh !

Then researchers moved on to use Virtual Reality on military combat personnel who returned from Iraq and Afghanistan with PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) and guess what? Again, they were over 70% successful.

Now, you might be wondering, if these folks were successful back in 1994, why didn’t Virtual Reality become mainstream until now?

Great question !

Well, there were many reasons, and the main one is cost. Yes ! It was very costly — the equipment was costly, the process was costly, everything was just too expensive. It just didn’t make sense for organizations to use the technology due to the cost-prohibitive nature.

Fortunately, things have changed, and the price of equipment has dropped dramatically, and we expect it to drop further over the coming years.

So, after doing plenty of research, identifying the market need for our vulnerable populations, and confirming that studies have been conducted successfully by leading university, we decided that Virtual Rehab will take this to the next level and make it mainstream.

Our results showed that 87% of participating patients have shown an overall improvement across various metrics within the following categories:

1- Problem Recognition & Acceptance
2- Openness to Change
3- Locus of Control
4- Decision-Making Influences
5- Emotional Intelligence & Regulation
6- Motivation & Resilience

So, what do we exactly use Virtual Reality for?

We provide a virtual simulation of the real world using cognitive behavior and exposure therapy to trigger and to cope with temptations. And you will be amazed of the power of this technology and the impact it has on users.

Here is one of our customers in action experience the Virtual Rehab solution at the Arab Health Exhibition and Congress in Dubai.

Virtual Rehab’s Customer at Arab Health Exhibition & Congress in Dubai

Amazing huh ! You can of course learn more detail about our Virtual Reality solution by reading our White Paper.

Now, let’s move on to Artificial Intelligence.

As techopedia describes it:

Artificial intelligence (AI) is an area of computer science that emphasizes the creation of intelligent machines that work and react like humans. Some of the activities computers with artificial intelligence are designed for include:

  • Speech recognition
  • Learning
  • Planning
  • Problem solving

Fancy huh !

Well, it definitely is and we are using it along with Virtual Reality to make our solution even more powerful. We have built and are constantly enhancing a unique expert system which helps identify areas of risk, make treatment recommendations, and predict post-therapy behavior (in other words, the way a person would act after therapy is complete).

Again, you can of learn more about our Artificial Intelligence solution by reading our White Paper.

However, here is a snapshot of our online portal, which we use in tandem with our solution to provide the detailed analysis of the various sessions:

Virtual Rehab’s Online Portal

Now, let’s get to the blockchain portion of our solution, which we will be integrating post our successful ICO and Token Sale (thanks again folks for the supprt).

According to Investopedia, a blockchain is a digitized, decentralized, public ledger of all cryptocurrency transactions. Constantly growing as ‘completed’ blocks (the most recent transactions) are recorded and added to it in chronological order, it allows market participants to keep track of digital currency transactions without central recordkeeping. Each node (a computer connected to the network) gets a copy of the blockchain, which is downloaded automatically.

We will be using this fabulous technology to serve the B2C (Business-to-Consumer) market. Yes ! This will allow Virtual Rehab to go mainstream; just like other projects are working towards making blockchain mainstream and used by the masses.

Virtual Rehab will leverage blockchain technology to provide a secure network to ensure privacy and decentralization of all data and all information relevant to these vulnerable populations (something that we do not have as of today).

And what gets us even more excited are the use cases for our ERC-20 utility token — $VRH.

The $VRH token has been created as a centralized currency to be used within the Virtual Rehab network. Users will be able to purchase and sell $VRH tokens in exchanges. The token follows the standards of Ethereum ERC-20 Standard token. Its design follows the widely adopted token implementation standards. This allows token holders to easily store and manage their $VRH tokens using existing solutions including ERC20-compatible Ethereum wallets.

The $VRH Token is a utility token and is core to Virtual Rehab’s end-to-end operations. The following section explains some of the use cases where the $VRH token will be used for within the Virtual Rehab network.

So, what are the use cases of the $VRH token?

When dealing with the most vulnerable populations out there, privacy and security of information/data shared, become extremely important. Fortunately, this all can be made possible when integrating blockchain technology as part of the Virtual Rehab solution.

Below are some of the use cases for the $VRH Token:

1. User pays using $VRH Token to have access to pain management programs

Virtual Rehab users will have the ability to make use of their purchased $VRH Tokens to place order and to download several pain management virtual reality programs which they can use for physical therapy. All orders will be placed through the Virtual Rehab portal.

2. User pays using $VRH Token to have access to addiction prevention programs

Virtual Rehab users will have the ability to make use of their purchased $VRH Tokens to place order and to download several addiction prevention virtual reality programs which they can use to learn new ways of avoiding substance use temptations. All orders will be placed through the Virtual Rehab portal.

3. User pays using $VRH Token to have access to cognitive behavior therapy programs

Virtual Rehab users will have the ability to make use of their purchased $VRH Tokens to place order and to download several cognitive behavior therapy virtual reality programs which they can use to learn new behavioral skills along with additional training programs. All orders will be placed through the Virtual Rehab portal.

4. User pays using $VRH Token to receive further analysis of the executed programs

Virtual Rehab users will have the ability to make use of their purchased $VRH Tokens to request further analysis of the virtual reality programs which have been executed through the Virtual Rehab portal. The analysis will be conducted through Virtual Rehab’s artificial intelligence solution.

5. User gets rewarded in $VRH Token for seeking help

As an incentive to reward those users who seek pain management, substance use addiction therapy as well as counselling to prevent repeat offending, Virtual Rehab will issue $VRH Tokens, which can then be used by users for trading on exchanges or for further use on the Virtual Rehab portal. Certain conditions will apply along with a proof that users have sought additional therapy and counselling. The rewards incentive will be claimable using the Virtual Rehab portal.

We are embarking on very exciting and very transformational stuff folks !

So, that’s it for now. We hope that you found this informative and learned a bit more about our Virtual Rehab all-encompassing solution.

And before we let you go, please remember to read our White Paper and if you have any questions, then you can reach us on Telegram, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, or even here on Medium.

As a reminder, our $VRH Token Sale will start on August 1st (Private Sale).

We look forward to your support.

And finally …

Be Safe and Make a Difference in this World !!!

Peace Out !

