The H-1B Lottery: 2024 Updates to Know Now

visa and immigrations
8 min readMay 7, 2024

The H-1B visa lottery is a yearly event eagerly awaited by both foreign professionals and US employers. This coveted visa grants highly skilled workers from around the globe the opportunity to work in specialty occupations within the United States. However, securing an H-1B visa can feel like winning the lottery itself, with a fiercely competitive application process and a limited number of spots available.

For the H-1B Lottery 2024, things got a bit more interesting (or perhaps a tad more complex) with the introduction of some key changes. Fear not, intrepid visa hopefuls! This comprehensive guide will equip you with the latest H-1B lottery updates and US Immigration News to navigate the 2024 process with confidence.

H-1B Lottery: A Numbers Game

Before diving into the nitty-gritty, let’s set the stage with some facts. The H-1B visa cap remains at 65,000 visas annually, with an additional 20,000 reserved for foreign nationals holding a US master’s degree or higher (the “master’s cap”). With far more applicants than available visas, US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) conducts a random lottery selection process to determine who gets to petition for the visa.

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What’s New for H-1B Lottery 2024?

The good news: USCIS implemented some changes aimed at streamlining the H-1B process, potentially making it fairer and more efficient. Here’s a breakdown of the key updates:

One Bite at the Apple: Previously, employers could submit multiple registrations for the same beneficiary (foreign worker). Under the new system, each beneficiary can only be registered once in the lottery, regardless of the number of employers sponsoring them. This levels the playing field and ensures a fairer chance for all applicants.

Organizational Accounts & Online Filing: USCIS introduced a new online portal with “organizational accounts” for employers participating in the H-1B lottery. This allows employers to electronically register beneficiaries and manage their petitions throughout the process. While paper filings are still accepted for now, a complete shift to online submissions is expected in the near future.

Farewell Paper Petitions (Eventually): For those selected in the lottery, the traditional paper-based H-1B petitions are gradually being phased out. Starting with the FY 2025 cap (applications submitted in April 2024), USCIS is encouraging online filing for H-1B petitions and associated forms.

The H-1B Lottery Update: New Changes and Opportunities ~ US Latest Immigration News 2024

Key Dates to Remember (H-1B Lottery 2024):

While the official registration period for the FY 2025 H-1B lottery has already passed (March 6th — March 25th, 2024), it’s never too early to start planning for next year. Here’s a tentative timeline for the H-1B Lottery 2025 (dates may be subject to change):

Early February 2025 (estimated): USCIS is expected to announce the registration period for the FY 2026 H-1B lottery. Mark your calendars!

Early February — Mid-March 2025 (estimated): The online registration window for the H-1B Lottery 2025 is likely to open during this timeframe. Stay tuned to USCIS updates for official confirmation.

April — May 2025 (estimated): USCIS conducts the H-1B lottery selection process. Selected beneficiaries will be notified electronically through their employer’s USCIS online account.

April 1st, 2025 (and onwards): This marks the official launch of online filing for H-1B petitions for those selected in the lottery (FY 2025 cap onwards). Paper filings might still be accepted during a transitional period, but online submissions are highly encouraged.

Beyond the Lottery: What to Expect After Selection

If you’re lucky enough to be chosen in the H-1B lottery, congratulations! However, the journey isn’t over yet. Here’s a sneak peek at the next steps:

Petition Filing: Your employer will file a formal H-1B petition with USCIS on your behalf. This petition includes detailed information about your qualifications, the job offer, and supporting documentation.

USCIS Review and Adjudication: USCIS will meticulously review your petition to ensure you meet all eligibility criteria and the position qualifies as a specialty occupation. Processing times can vary, so be prepared for some waiting.

Approval and Visa Issuance: If your petition is approved, you’ll receive an official approval notice from USCIS. This allows you to apply for the H-1B visa at a US consulate or embassy in your home country. Once the visa is issued, you can finally enter the US and begin working in your sponsored specialty occupation.

Words to the Wise: Pro Tips for H-1B Lottery Success

While the H-1B lottery involves an element of chance, there are steps you can take to increase your odds of success:

Qualify for the Occupation: Ensure your skillset aligns perfectly with the requirements of a designated H-1B specialty occupation. Research the Department of Labor’s Occupational Outlook Handbook for a comprehensive list.

Find a Sponsoring Employer: Network with US companies actively seeking highly skilled foreign workers in your field. A strong employer-employee relationship can significantly improve your chances.

Prepare Strong Credentials: Dust off your resume and highlight your educational qualifications, work experience, and relevant achievements. Strong documentation is key to a compelling petition.

Stay Informed: USCIS frequently updates its website with the latest H-1B regulations, processing times, and important announcements. Subscribe for regular updates and be sure you’re using reliable sources like the official USCIS website (

A Punny Pause: Don’t Get Lost in H-1B Limbo

The H-1B visa process can feel like navigating a complex maze. Remember, even with the best preparation, there’s still a chance you won’t be selected in the lottery. But fret not! Here’s a pun to lighten the mood: Don’t get lost in H-1B “limbo”! There are other avenues to explore, such as alternative work visas or pursuing higher education opportunities in the US.

The Road Ahead: The Future of H-1B

The H-1B visa program continues to be a topic of debate in the US. Some advocate for reforms to attract and retain top global talent, while others raise concerns about potential impacts on the US workforce. Staying informed about US Immigration News regarding potential changes to the program can help you plan your future career moves.

Conclusion: Your American Dream Starts Here

The H-1B visa offers a coveted path for foreign professionals to contribute their skills and expertise to the US economy. Despite the competitive nature of the lottery, understanding the process and staying prepared can significantly increase your chances of success. By leveraging the insights in this guide and remaining informed about H-1B lottery updates and US Immigration News, you can take the first step towards achieving your American Dream.

Additional Resources:

USCIS H-1B Electronic Registration Process:

Forbes: Immigration Service Finalizes Changes to H-1B Visa Lottery:

Newland Chase: H-1B Lottery Updates:

Frequently Asked Questions: H-1B Visa Lottery (April 26, 2024)

1. What is the prediction for H-1B lottery 2025?

Unfortunately, predicting the number of applicants or selection rate for the H-1B lottery is difficult. The number of applications can vary depending on economic factors, global competition for skilled workers, and other unpredictable circumstances.

However, some resources track historical data and trends that might offer a glimpse into the future. Consider referring to websites like USCIS or immigration law firms specializing in H-1B visas for insights closer to the registration period.

2. What is the fee for H1B visa 2024?

The H-1B visa registration fee for FY 2025 (applications submitted in March-April 2024) remained at the usual USD $10. However, USCIS has announced an increase to USD $215 for the H-1B petition filing fee starting in March 2025. This fee applies only to employers filing petitions for beneficiaries selected in the lottery.


3. What is the new H-1B lottery fee?

There hasn’t been a change to the H-1B lottery registration fee for the recent FY 2025 application period. It remains at USD $10 per registration. However, as mentioned earlier, the H-1B petition filing fee for employers is increasing to USD $215 starting in March 2025.

4. What is H1 in 2024?

H-1B refers to a non-immigrant visa category in the United States specifically for foreign workers in specialty occupations. These occupations typically require a theoretical degree or its equivalent in specialized knowledge and experience. The regulations and processes surrounding the H-1B visa, including the lottery system, remained largely unchanged in 2024.

5. Who are eligible for H-1B visa?

To be eligible for an H-1B visa, you must generally meet the following criteria:

  • Hold a bachelor’s degree (or its equivalent) in a field related to the offered specialty occupation.
  • Have a job offer in the US from a qualifying employer for a specialty occupation.
  • The position requires the theoretical and practical application of a specialized body of knowledge and skills.


6. What is the H-1B visa?

The H-1B visa is a non-immigrant visa category for foreign workers employed in specialty occupations by US companies. These occupations require theoretical or specialized knowledge and often involve a high level of education and skill. The H-1B visa allows the foreign worker to live and work temporarily in the US for up to six years, with the possibility of extension under certain circumstances.

7. How many years is an H-1B visa valid for?

An H-1B visa is initially valid for up to three years, with the possibility of a one-year extension followed by additional three-year extensions, not exceeding a total of six years in H-1B status.


8. How much is the fee for H-1B visa?

There are two main fees associated with the H-1B visa process:

H-1B Registration Fee: This fee is paid by the employer when submitting a registration for the beneficiary (foreign worker) in the H-1B lottery. The current fee is USD $10.

H-1B Petition Filing Fee: This fee is paid by the employer when filing a formal H-1B petition with USCIS on behalf of the beneficiary selected in the lottery. This fee is currently USD $460 but will increase to USD $215 starting in March 2025.

