VisionX joins IBM Ecosystem for Global Partnership

4 min readJul 18, 2019


On July 12th, 2019, VisionX joined IBM’s Partnerworld program. We are excited about the opportunities to collaborate and enhance our data and AI platform. VisionX will be able to promote and bolster:

  1. Enterprise AI & Intelligent AI Manufacturing Solutions
  2. AI Data Crowdsourcing
  3. AI Talent Training

All three of these elements provide important solutions for enterprise AI customers. Among IBM and their partners, there are a multitude of AI solutions. Almost of these outputs require AI data collection and labeling. VisionX will utilize the largest AI crowdsourcing global network to help them deliver AI solutions.

VisionX will carry out it’s focus on decentralizing AI for Business.

The following information is taken from the IBM website:

What is the IBM PartnerWorld Program?

The IBM PartnerWorld Program is IBM’s premiere partner program empowering Business Partners with the tools and resources to help transform clients into industry leaders.

You and IBM

Differentiating your business from the competition requires innovation, acceleration and the right partnership. With IBM as your partner, you have access to unmatched expertise, leading-edge solutions and program benefits that work for you.

Our Business Partners come from companies small and large; from those that sell IBM to those that use it; from traditional resellers to new, born-on-the-cloud companies; from solutions architects to deployment experts. We make the partnership about you — first and always.

IBM Strategic Partner Effort Strengthens Through AI Concepts

AI Learning through IBM

Industry 4.0 solutions through IBM

A program for you

Our Business Partners come from companies small and large; from those that sell IBM to those that use it; from traditional resellers to new, born-on-the-cloud companies; from solutions architects to deployment experts. We make the partnership about you — first and always.

Grow your bottom line

Today, you must monetize opportunities, accelerate profitability, innovate and reduce costs. By joining the IBM PartnerWorld Program, you are entering an ecosystem of opportunity — one where you can create smarter applications, optimize cloud infrastructure and accelerate data insights and innovation. You don’t have to go it alone.

Follow VisionX

VisionX, industrial AI chain, is a cross-industry high-performance AI collaboration platform, and the first AI+Blockchain project incubated by the DeepBrain Chain Silicon Valley lab. It has the single largest and quality image dataset and uses a unique taxonomy algorithm to offer a cross-industry AI solution fit for all. VisionX uses product surface defect visual detection as a breaking point. Then it will gradually branch off to machine arm grab and pick, preventative maintenance, intelligent speech, supply chain, and other fields. In the future, it will serve thousands of industries offering AI solutions and data worth millions.

Official Website

Whitepaper (English)








VisionX is a cross chain industry hub for the future of AI and Big Data. Telegram: