Start the 2nd Semester

2 min readFeb 12, 2017


I’m happy to go back to University. I had a great summer and had some work done. I hope that this semester will be even better than the previous one. The hardest part was adjusting to the new schedule.

Here are a couple of new phrases and expressions from the previous week

as hard as nails- очень строгий

to throw in the towel- сдаваться

diverse background- разнообразный опыт

Cross my heart!- честное слово!

To whine- ныть

to bail on smb.- предать, кинуть

to get cracking- приниматься за работу

Not in a million year - никогда

To feel at home-чувствовать себя как дома

To make oneself at home- расслабиться и чувствовать себя комфортно

On Friday, we talked about our strengths and weaknesses. I really liked the example with the barrel.

Сhallenge for me, doing exercise with use instead of speed and quantity. I need to move my productive in quality and knowledge. BTW, I have seven days to do exercise on Duolingo.

