Vitreus Weekly Highlights

Sunday October 1st, 2023

Vitreus Chain
5 min readOct 2, 2023

Welcome back, Vanguards and technology enthusiasts! If you missed last week’s recap of events, you can quickly catch up here.

If you’re not familiar with us, Vitreus is a permissioned blockchain in the presale phase integrated with an AI technology named COMPLiQ™. Its purpose is to assist regulated industries like energy and banking with their data and compliance needs, including data management, interactivity, and storage. Compliance places a significant burden on these companies, involving high costs and demanding labor. Our clients can leverage distributed ledger technology without exposing themselves to the world of digital assets.

Social links you may find helpful:

Website | Litepaper | Discord | Youtube

Now, let’s dive into what you came here for: our weekly highlights! It was a relatively light week for announcements, with activity picking up significantly behind the scenes.

Sunday September 24th, 2023

vNRG, the lifeblood of Vitreus. Chad shared a video created by our education team, breaking down vNRG, explaining its purpose. Great job, Taylor, Drew, CryptoControl, and SirBurns!

September 26th, 2023

Taylor Cox, our Director of Product Design, has penned another fantastic article shedding light on how Vitreus is revolutionizing the blockchain and technology landscape with its unique approach.

September 28th, 2023

Thanks to COMPLiQ‘s powerful AI, Vitreus ONE, and the Vitreus Smart Chain, we are crafting real-world solutions for corporations in compliance, data management, and cybersecurity. Innovations that make a difference!

September 29th, 2023

Chad shared another update from our development partners, sharing their experience at Sub0, the Polkadot Substrate conference held recently in Lisbon. We’re thrilled to have Innowise as our champions, driving excitement for the innovative work happening at Vitreus!

Weekly Build Update

This week, we’ve placed a heavy focus on infrastructure integrations and expanded vApp features.

Additionally, we’re working on another product that will be part of our whitelabel offering. Its purpose? To address the existing issues with the open-source wallet connect library.

We’re STILL moving very fast!!

At this time, we have achieved the following interim results:
✔️ Front End development is 80% complete.
✔️ Design has been drafted to 85%.
✔️ The blockchain component is 90% complete.
✔️ CompliQ is at 60% completion.
✔️ Over the past month, significant progress has been observed in the Production Infrastructure, where Jos (CISO) has been collaborating closely and productively with Mikalai (DevOps Engineer) as well as our many vendors and tech partners.

Vitreus Corporate Platform ~>
Last Week’s Achievements:

✅ Completed the creation of all onboarding forms in PDF format in the old version; only the service agreement update remains.
✅ Finished writing all parsers for the old versions of the forms.
✅ Conducted research on cluster OS interconnect using new source data from VULTR, CloudFlare, and Megaport.
✅ Deployed LOKI stack in a different way using Observatorium.
✅ Explored minIO with OS on-premises.
✅ Worked on LOKI authentication with streams in a multitenant environment.
✅ Conducted research on Megaport interconnect.
✅ Implemented r2 retention policy
✅ SalesForce integration module

Next Week’s Plans:
🟡 Complete the development of the demo version and prepare the environment.
🟡 Continue working on LLM processing for the RTQ form.
🟡 Work on LOKI stack intercommunication.
🟡 Transfer presale app, all frontend, and backend to develop OS cluster.
🟡 Refactor pipelines according to Helm and new target OS.
🟡 Conduct Proof of Concept (PoC) calls and meetings with Akeyless, Megaport, and CloudFlare.

Vitreus Power Plant and vApp ~>
Last Week’s Achievements:

✅ Reputation is in progress
✅ DAppNode backend research
✅ Docker API extracted for DAppNode
✅ DNS resolution for DAppNode
✅ Preparing DAppNode endpoints to be utilized by mobile team
✅ VIP status finalized
✅ Implemented throttling mechanism
✅ Fixed invalid VNRG exchange during fee withdrawal
✅ Create additional ENV for dev/ test
✅ Update build version 1.0.0+13 -> 1.0.0+14
✅ Update onboarding Screen
✅ Fixed sending all the VTRS from the wallet
✅ Connected the backend to Vitreus Wallet Connect
✅ Claiming functionality for Vitreus Wallet Connect
✅ UI improvements
✅ Switch Network possibility for Vitreus Wallet Connect
✅ Websockets optimization
✅ Added connect/disconnect logic for vApp
✅ Set up the Whitelabel repository
✅ Added Auth module
✅ Server deployment configs
✅ Deploy and set up wallet BE websocket, nginx, ssl
✅ Deploy and set up whitelabel BE websocket, nginx, ssl
✅ Explore DAppNode scripts, build image with packer

Next Week Plans:
🟡 Exploring and working on DAppNode
🟡 Keep working on VIPP status
🟡 Enhancing ETH RPC WIP
🟡 VNRG producing implementation in a conduct with reputation
🟡 vApp implementation and improvements
🟡 Creating a provider to switch networks from FE
🟡 Adding deep links to open vApp when accessing the website using mobile
🟡 UI fixes and improvements
🟡 Whitelabel
🟡 Vitreus ‘Wallet Connect’ (being renamed)
🟡 Creating VanguardianOS Image

Blockchain Enlightened…

Explore the VITREUS difference. Another great article by Taylor!

September 30th, 2023

Here We Grow Again…

Welcome, Gandalf, to Vitreus! We’re thrilled to have you working alongside Drew, our Director of Education, to raise awareness about the ambitious vision and undertaking that is Vitreus.

Brenton, our COO, sharing a little weekend wisdom…

Final thoughts…

Another busy week has come and gone. If you spend time in our Discord server, you’ll quickly notice that we’ve held back on sharing a lot of exciting details, or as we call them, ‘beans.’ So, if you’re not already a part of our community, come join us on Discord!

We hope you found this Medium post informative, enjoyable, and helpful! We have a feeling that next week’s blog will be jam-packed. If you have any questions, feel free to find us in Discord — linked above.

Wishing you a wonderful Sunday! Enjoy some football, and until next time…

— Vitreus



Vitreus Chain

Vitreus is marrying Proprietary Artificial Intelligence and Decentralized Infrastructure with Corporate Solutions