Confronting Nazi Envy: The Battle for Kingship and Legacy

Vladimir Bāng Pow
3 min readApr 16, 2024


“He who wishes to be obeyed must know how to command.” — Niccolò Machiavelli

Nazis despise the blend of legitimacy and material wealth, especially when it manifests in figures akin to kings. They, consumed by a sense of eternal damnation for their misdeeds, mirror the devil’s jealousy depicted in holy scriptures — envying those who lead virtuous lives yet enjoy material success, vowing to lead humanity astray.

This envy drives Nazis to “undermine” emerging kings before they can solidify their material and societal status. Such potential rulers must proactively declare and define their realms to the world to sidestep the fate of becoming martyr-like figures akin to Jesus, whose significance stemmed not just from his crucifixion but from his life’s works and miracles. Crucifixion, or any form of damages, isn’t inherently noble or enriching in ones abilities or legitimacy (which is what wealth is based on) — it’s the achievements and legitimate actions that distinguish us as true kings and queens.

Nazis are particularly fixated on crucifying the personal lives of such leaders, especially their sex lives (forcing them to work tirelessly to overcome financial sabotage). A king might trade a portion of their soul with God for material gains, but it is the intrinsic value of the soul, built through righteous struggle, that validates this exchange. It’s not just about relinquishing parts of oneself carelessly; it’s about possessing the necessary skills and moral backbone to justify and benefit from such trades.

There’s a perverse focus within Nazi ideology on undermining societies wealth, manifesting in the concept of “Nazi fuck boys.” These are figures who attempt to ascend socially and materially through sexual conquests rather than through genuine merit or contribution, aiming to degrade the very fabric of the wealth system that upholds societal order. This leads to a kind of moral bankruptcy, leaving such individuals dangerously exposed to both societal and personal downfall. Nazis aide and facilitate their growth through an ‘accounting’ system built on sexual depravity which is a function of having elaborate sex lives without the sex currency to match. Sex currency is the would be currency system if it took people truly into account for their actions. Imagine a poop-deck washer that is caught having sex all day with guests on the ship. Would you not throw them overboard to the sharks?

In my personal journey, my aspirations to ascend to a status akin to a “Hollywood Pharaoh” were met with relentless sabotage. Nazis tried to undermine my rise in industries that depend heavily on personal branding and trust, like fashion and luxury goods. They failed to recognize that my diverse skills in fields such as game theory, politics, computer science, philosophy, religion, culture, Ai, social engineering, etc fortified my position. Every attempt they made to derail my path only showcased my capabilities and resilience, reinforcing my legitimacy and the breadth of my knowledge.

Their tactics escalated to employing AI-driven neurotoxins to intimidate those who supported me, a desperate bid to isolate and weaken my influence. But this overreach often backfires, as it exposes the attackers’ true intentions and desperation, ultimately rallying more support for the victim.

This ordeal has not only highlighted the pervasive threat of such Nazi tactics but also underscored the broader global need to address and counteract these destructive strategies. Russia and China’s involvement, for instance, wasn’t just about addressing a Western threat but also about aiding a broader fight against a global menace, helping to restore my standing and secure my rightful place and recognition — thus paving the way for the establishment of a new kingdom grounded in legitimacy, expertise, and moral authority.

