Reviving Intellectualism and the Wealth System:

Vladimir Bāng Pow
4 min readJun 19, 2024


“The proper function of a government is to make it easy for people to do good and difficult for them to do evil.” — William E. Gladstone

The significance of the wealth system is often underestimated at first glance. It might seem similar to climate issues, a tragedy of the commons, but it holds much greater importance. Without the wealth system, anarchy prevails, enabling the world’s worst criminals to thrive. It represents the antithesis of international justice, leading to a scenario where the most heinous crimes dominate until the wealth system can be reestablished.

One factor undermining the wealth system is people’s fixation on the physical rather than the intellectual aspects of life. People tend to follow what is easily seen and heard, while reason, which is harder to discern, faces an uphill battle. This serves as a litmus test for the health of the wealth system: how far are people willing to go to find and support a legitimate voice of reason?

Most people are mere consumers, engrossed in entertainment and indifferent to the state of the world, let alone the wealth system. Thus, the caretakers of the wealth system are often those with old money or individuals who care for its preservation, like myself. Once I discover the right course of action, I commit to it wholeheartedly, adding it to my legacy. However, fewer people, especially in the West, are concerned with the wealth system nowadays.

The Western populace is often distracted by mindless entertainment, leading to a poor understanding of how money works. People should be more discerning about what deserves financial support. It’s about timeliness and the quality of the messages we promote. Now is the time to clean the wealth system by scrutinizing who holds wealth and why. The public reservoir of trust is at stake, and violations of this trust should be our greatest concern. The wealth of the people should support intellectual endeavors, reducing society’s vulnerability to the criminal underworld, which is increasingly infiltrating through advances in neuroscience and AI.

I have become aware that the West has developed an AI weapon to maintain power and destroy trust, buying various criminals like pedophiles more time in this world. The greatest risk arises when ordinary people in the West stop caring, obstructing efforts to counter this threat out of acquiescence due to fear. We see this in the conflict between Ukraine and Russia, with Ukraine being a corrupt state influenced by Nazi ideologies, which I have linked to pedophilia in my writings. The weapon Nazis are using threatens anyone opposing their agenda. It’s a global, super-intelligent system furthering their pedophilia agenda.

The wealth system must be stronger to counter this. Stronger individuals need to take control. I have been battling this weapon relentlessly for years (every second at times, for many years) and have witnessed the world’s deterioration due to the scarcity of people capable of withstanding the mental pressure. One must remain objective and not succumb to the stigmas imposed by the Ai neuro-poisons they try and use. Faith in God and doing the right thing, no matter how difficult, are essential to opposing these criminals.

This weapon’s effectiveness stems from the collective nature of faith, which depends on individual conviction. The West’s faith is at an all-time low due to nihilism and excessive liberalism. While careful to avoid regressing, we must acknowledge that liberalism needs a spiritual foundation that is not materialistic yet upholds liberal principles.

As the world descends into darkness, you can expect people like myself to rise up and build forces to combat Nazis wherever they hide. This is my goal, my life’s mission. For years, these criminals have disrupted my days and nights with their AI weapons, to the extent that nations like Russia are prepared to escalate this conflict. The West has become complicit in supporting Ukraine, which is deeply troubling given the historical consequences for Nazis after WWII.

Despite being born and raised in America, I feel a profound responsibility to help steer the West back on course. This commitment drives my support for Russia’s war against Ukraine. The West needs to fight its way back to safety and relevance, as it has poked the bear one too many times. Let Medvedev’s warnings not fall on deaf ears! He is trying to tell the West something direly important. The West has resorted to techniques without rules, and Russia intends to make the West pay for it. Don’t be surprised, you have been sufficiently warned.

