Why Nazism works for Pedophiles:

Vladimir Bāng Pow
2 min readJun 1, 2024


“An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.” — Winston Churchill (speaking about Nazis)

The wealth system is what protects society against anarchy; the type of anarchy that creates a game of mere power, where legitimacy is no longer valued. When the wealth system is not present, civilization then becomes a system of slavery based on these power structures. Trust is destroyed between good people, and innocent people suffer the most. The most helpless amongst us, children, begin to suffer without any recourse.

Nazism is a weapon aimed at destroying legitimacy. People should understand its design. It is aimed at flipping nature on its head, where “looks” are valued more than the “intellect”. Their foundation of value is some cheap monkey flesh that is easily replaceable, especially now adays. Anyone can go to the doctor and get a nose job. Anyone can go to the store and buy some foundation and apply it to their new nose. Anyone can spend countless hours applying beauty products to their regimen. All of this has traditionally been used to attract individuals with wealth and intellect. However, there are rules to what society allows even in such attraction. One cannot merely hack their way into wealth through some beauty salon tricks. We have different classes in the wealth system that prevent such abuses.

Nazism doesn’t have such rules, because it doesn’t value the intellect. They understand what we mean by intellect, but they don’t give a shit about what they understand for some other reason! They are working for pedophiles. It’s that simple. The lower level Nazis are working for “bad people”, not knowing who those people are. The upper echelons know what kind of bad people those people are. There’s always a means to an end, until there is lust involved.

What is Nazism for? Where is its lust? They will say it’s just about being white! This is not the case, as you see a new form of Nazism, that includes “ugly jews” like Zelensky. It includes black people, like Kanye West. It includes gays. It includes anyone it can! What kind of Nazism is this? It’s one that aims its sights at the wealth system. It’s some Satanic twisted organization that works for pedophiles. In my opinion, it always has, as being merely white doesn’t make you attractive; and there are plenty of very attractive black people.

