3 min readJan 24, 2022

Are you a study abroad agency? You’ll want to see this! Here are proven Strategies For Increasing Your Study Abroad Applications Fast.

International study is one of the important features of higher education in today’s increasingly globalized world.

According to OECD, over 4.3 million students were enrolled in university-level education out of their home country as of 2014. So far, it’s experienced an annual increase of about 10%. In fact, by 2025, it’s expected to reach 8 million. As an international study recruiter, this means you have the chance to exponentially grow your international study business and revenue.

But let’s face reality: There are so many international universities out there that it’d be impossible for you to acquire affiliation with all of them. Still, what you are about to learn in this article; you can find your way around increasing your application.

4 strategies for increasing your study Abroad application:

1. Use valuable content for brand awareness

As there is no marketing without content, it’s important that you create valuable content around your international study business. Google processes over 3.5 billion searches daily. As you read this, someone is asking Google questions about studying abroad and probably the best universities of the world to study at. Definitely, Google will respond to such questions with results, not by itself but by showing results of articles and blog posts some international study agencies and networks have published.

At the end of the day, a prospect is more likely to patronize the agency whose valuable content solves their concerns about studying abroad.

2. Leverage on testimonials and reviews

What other international students are saying about you matters more than every other marketing strategy you might have in place. So, if you have successfully processed international study applications, one of the best strategies for increasing your applications fast is to ask your existing clients to give you reviews. Upon getting reviews, use them as part of your marketing strategy. It’s word-of-mouth in print. And except they have a strong reason not to, the opinion of an existing client matters much to every prospect.

3. Join a peer-to-peer network

If you have been struggling to attract leads and get enough university affiliation on your list, then you need not to overwork yourself anymore. The job of a peer-to-peer network is to allow you to connect with other international study agents in a decentralized system. Among other things, a P2P network reduces unhealthy competition, eliminates unnecessary costs and activities, and enables mutual resource sharing.

Signing up on a peer-to-peer network like Vobb enhances your capacity to make more money in minimum time.

4. Collaborate

Even if you have a few university affiliations, you can still process students’ applications to as many universities worldwide. There is so much power in collaboration. Each study abroad recruiter has different affiliations and resources. But when recruiters partner more, they are able to leverage the affiliation of everyone to achieve set goals and get many things done fast.

For example, in a verified network of recruiters, others can leverage your university affiliation to send applications to that university through you. This, indirectly, increases the number of applications you process while you make more money on the agreed commission. Consequently, you also don’t have to lose leads because their targeted international university isn’t on your list. All you have to do is also send it via the university’s verified affiliate in your network.

Inarguably, you can architect your international study business leveraging the right strategies as listed above. There is no guarantee of overnight success, but I’ll tell you that partnering more with other agents using a P2P network helps you achieve your business goals faster. If you want to increase your application, waste no time in signing up on Vobb to access a network of verified international universities’ recruiters waiting to partner with you.

Click on vobb.io to learn more


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