What is Void Bank ?

3 min readJun 7, 2020


I’ll touch on the general concept of Void Bank today, without going into all the numbers and technical info, as to avoid to much confusion at first glance. So dive in and have a read, any questions head on over to our telegram and ask us anything you like. (Links found below)

🏦 Void Bank 🏦

Void Bank will be the Financial dapp hub of the Void community, where the investors of Void Bank will have governing control on what the bank spends it’s funds on and all it’s investment decisions.

How does it all work ? How will you benefit as a Void Bank investor ? Whats the basics of the bank ?

Void Bank is a collection of dapps working together to create more decentralised financially investment opportunities for the community.

This will be achieved through the following dapps to start with:

  • Void Glass
  • Void Investments
  • Void Treasury

With future dapps to expand the bank and its opportunities, such as:

  • Void Lending
  • Void [Classified]
  • Void [Classified]

Now, lets dive into how each of the upcoming Void Bank dapp work.

⏳ Void Glass ⌛️

This is an hourglass style dapp that pays out 1% of its div pool each day with divs being dropped every hour, similar to Void Staking dropping 1% of its reward pool each day with a drop every hour.

The divs pool will consist of Void, Trx, Btt, Frags, Boss and Usdt at launch. Future dex pairs will be available down the line and will also contribute to the div pool.

To enter the hourglass you can use any of the listed token or Void directly! If you use a listed token, it will be used to buy Void via that tokens DeFi Dex pair, then that Void is staked in the hourglass for you automatically.

Once staked in Void Glass, you’ll receive a voting share in the bank, to be used over at the Void Investments dapp. This voting share is also your total amount of Void in Void Glass and represent your div share.

💰Void Investments💰

This is where Void Glass investors who have a voting share in the bank, can vote on where the Void Banks weekly investment fund is spent.

This investment fund will be spent each week based on what is voted for by the Void Bank investors, this can vary from a number of projects such as mining pools, dividend investment like Win on Wink or Btt on Dlive, it can be other big dividend pools, profit sharing dapps like Boss Gaming or other dapps like Tron Prime etc.

The choice is up to the Void community on what projects are pitched, with the Void Bank investors taking up the final vote and decision with their voting shares.

Once a project has an investment made, all profits earned from this project will be paid out weekly to the Void Glass div pool.

🏛 Void Treasury 🏛

The Void Treasury will be used to dapp drop a seeded fund of 1,000,000 Void! Each day the Void Treasury will have 2500 Void for sale, but with a twist …

To participate in buying from the treasury that day, users can send any amount of Trx they want to spend, multiple transactions over the day if they wish, with no limits. But …

At the end of each day the available Void will be split and distributed based on your share of Trx spent.

All Trx funds raised are distributed throughout the Void Bank dapps below:

  • 70% Goes to the Void Glass div pool
  • 5% Is sent directly to Void Glass earnings
  • 25% Goes to the Void Investments dapp fund

📝 More info and specifics 📝

This is just the overview for Void Bank and its dapps. A full breakdown of what fees are involved when entering and exiting Void Glass, what percentage of these fees go to the users in glass, what percentage goes to the Void Investment fund and all the extra little details that make Void Bank work, can be found here: https://link.medium.com/PQEwIapb76

Thanks again for your patience while we finalise all the technical stuff for Void Bank, have any questions? Head on over to our Telegram chat and let us know, ask us anything you like.


