EQBR holdings launches open beta of NFT trading platform ‘Minthing’ with KT Storywiz

2 min readMay 10, 2022


EQBR Holdings (“EQBR”), a leading developer of blockchain technology, announced that it has completed the development of ‘Minthing’, a non-fungible token (NFT) trading platform for Korea Telecom’s contents group company, Storywiz. The service is scheduled for a commercial launch next month.

‘Minthing’ provides a service that allows various genres of content created as NFTs to be safely traded on a blockchain network. Minthing’s open beta test service started on March 25th and ran for six weeks until April 30th.

‘Minthing’ publishes NFTs on Storywiz’s web novel and webtoon content intellectual property rights (IP), which runs on EQBR’s proprietary blockchain engine, ‘Equilibrium’.

Equilibrium is designed to facilitate commercial-level speed and enables network scalability to support large-scale traffic. The added advantages of Equilibrium enable the NFT platform to be used in the mainstream content distribution market. Other predominant NFT platforms currently offered in the market are limited to a few generic contents, such as art.

Despite Bitcoin and Ethereum’s landmark contributions to the blockchain ecosystem, these early systems are hampered by several technical restraints. The newly developed Equilibrium is designed to overcome these limitations of earlier systems by providing for high-speed and scalability that blockchain needs to be truly commercially viable.

EQBR’s founding agenda is in the development of blockchain technologies that can be deployed for full-scale commercial services. For the past two years, EQBR has been developing various services using its own blockchain engine together with leading companies in Korea, including Korea Telecom’s Storywiz. In 2021, EQBR was selected as a joint R&D partner for the ‘blockchain technology development project for data economy’ heralded by the Korean Ministry of Science and ICT. The multi-year project is scheduled to be completed by 2025.

EQBR announced that it is currently carrying out several development projects for various industrial services internationally and in Korea, all based on the ‘Equilibrium’ blockchain engine. The launch of the blockchain’s main network for commercial services is scheduled in 2022.

Originally published at https://medium.com on May 10, 2022.

