Volare Finance Testnet is Now Live on AVAX!

5 min readJul 8, 2022


Invested by DCG, with a Value of Over $60 Million

With the investment of DCG and other significant investors, Volare’s next-generation options protocol — valued at more than US$60 million — is slated to be introduced on the AVAX testnet.

Check the testnet here.

While giving seasoned option traders useful resources, the Volare mechanism promotes DeFi crypto options trading. The testnet for the Volare protocol will go live on June 25. The product’s outstanding features will be appreciated by users, making it perfect for option trading.

Before using the volare product, consumers must manually or through the ChainList website, configure the Fuji network on metamask. Avalanche FUJI C-Chain is the name of the network, and the new RPC URL is https://api.avax-test.network/ext/bc/C/rpc

The explorer URL is https://testnet.snowtrace.io , and the ChainID is 43113 with the AVAX symbol. The URL for the Fuji testnet is https://fuji.volare.lol/. To use all the functionality of the volare product, users must link to their Metamask wallet.

Users need test tokens obtained via the Fuji Faucet to use the Fuji network. For every transaction to be sent, users will require the testnet’s native currency. Free test AVAX can be obtained through the official faucet website. Users can exchange tokens at Partyswap or import tokens from another source.

The cryptocurrency or fiat currency pair is displayed on the volare options page.

The current market price of the cryptocurrency or fiat currency pair and its change over the previous day are displayed at the top of the chart panel. Users have the choice of selecting the call or put option. An alternative expiration time can be selected by users. The chart shows a number of options with various strike prices together with the data related to them. Users can slide the mouse up and down to browse all the information in the fast view, which displays the option’s unique information.

When the TRADE button is clicked, the user is taken to the TradingView page.

Users of Volare’s exchange UI may make charts and trade simultaneously, thanks to the TradingView capabilities that are already built-in.

This bar running across the top of the charting panel displays the cryptocurrency or fiat pair users are viewing, the market price at the moment, and the changes in price and trading volume over the previous 24 hours. Users can see a graphic representation of the two assets’ price relationships in the charting view.

The orders panel will show all of the user’s unfulfilled orders. In addition, users have access to the money, trade history, and order history.

Users can thoroughly collect past data in the Order History panel. To trade on the spot market, users place orders in this panel. Users can fill out the limit price and size, determine the deadline, and buy or sell according to their demands.

Users can buy and sell on the Positions Page, while the History Page displays all transaction events pertinent to the currently linked wallet address.

In comparison to other key market players, volare offers users the advantages of AMM, profit-sharing, exotic options, financial instructions, hedging, on-chain, interest-bearing, and collateralization.

The core of Volare’s protocol is the growth of a transparent, low-risk, decentralized system that mimics the dependability of centralized exchanges.

The Volare protocol is based on an order book. Accurate pricing that is displayed directly on the order book benefits its users. The product is priced fairly and objectively, and the Volare team has extensive knowledge of conventional financial derivatives. For those unfamiliar with the blockchain, the order book itself is easier to use.

Since Fuji is the test network for the Avalanche network, it frequently runs the same software as the Avalanche Mainnet. Avalanche Mainnet and Fuji function similarly overall. The Fuji Testnet ought to function with programs like wallets and explorers.

A rival to Ethereum’s blockchain technology is called Avalanche (AVAX). The Avalanche blockchain, like Ethereum, supports several blockchain applications using smart contracts, and AVAX is the native coin of this platform.

The transaction finality of the Avalanche blockchain can be almost immediate. AVAX serves as a fundamental monetary unit among blockchains in the Avalanche network and is used to cover transaction processing costs, safeguard the Avalanche network, and secure transactions.

According to reports, the Avalanche blockchain can handle 4,500 transactions per second. Avalanche intends to be quick, adaptable, safe, reasonably priced, and widely available. Since Avalanche is an open-source project, anyone can access and edit the platform’s source code.

AVAX, other significant investors, and the venture capital firm Digital Currency Group (DCG), which specializes in the market for digital currencies, have all made investments in Volare.

Most investing methods in options have low risk profiles, but they also have limited potential rewards. However, the DeFi protocol from Volare offers the ideal answer for cryptocurrency option trading. It offers a DeFi option protocol for exotic choices as well as European option combos. The DeFi protocol from Volare employs its infrastructure to offer clients tools for hedging, speculating, and yield enhancement while also giving investors the choice of investing in standard or customized option strategy portfolios.

As it increases investors’ capital efficiency and reduces their risk, the collateralization rate it offers is advantageous to investors’ cash balance.

Due to Volare’s low collateralization rate, limit order book trading is also possible, giving users a trading environment that is similar to a centralized exchange. Additionally, Volare provides Trade options using NFTs. Volare options can be created and exchanged on the NFT exchanges, which lowers trading costs while simultaneously boosting liquidity.

Many investors have shown interest in Volare, which is anticipated to be a standout option protocol. These investors include GSR, DCG, Arrington XRP, A&T, viaBTC, Parataxis, Bixin Venture, Spark Digital Capital, Waterdrip, and Zonff, among others.

About Volare Finance

Volare is a leading provider of option trading, who provides a transparent, trustworthy, and convenient decentralized mechanism without intermediaries on option trading which can imitate the serviceability of centralized exchanges.

Volare’s DeFi protocol creates a perfect solution for trading options in crypto. It provides a DeFi option protocol for European options, option combos and exotic options. It also allows investors to invest in standard or customized option strategies portfolios, and provides clients tools for hedging, speculation and yield enhancement based on its infrastructure.

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