Sveta Volchkova
5 min readJun 3, 2020

Hello! My name is Sveta Volchkova. I study at the Linguistics University and the end of my third year of studies is just around the corner.

Wow, this year has definitely broadened my horizons! I’ve learned much new information about different forms of art: movie industry, music, theater, paintings – to name a few – now I feel as if I could make engaging conversations about everything.

As I have already mentioned soon I will be through with my exams and it will be a big event that needs to be celebrated. I’m thinking about a dinner party that will be a rightful and logical conclusion to this year of studies. My plan is that I invite special people whom I admire and with whom I’m eager to talk.

Are you intrigued who these people are?:)

The first person on the guest list is Vincent Van Gogh. Having completed a project based on his biography, I feel as if we had already gotten acquainted in person. I truly admire Vincent’s paintings and I’m dying to hear his stories about how he created them and what inspired him. I know that Vincent’s life was hard and he often felt sad and lonely. I will do my best to make him feel at home at my dinner party. He is a very welcome guest!

The second person is Martin Luther King Jr. I have a dream that a person like him attend the dinner. Undoubtedly, it will be a great honor for me! His outstanding contributions to the American civil rights movement changed people not only in America but all around the globe. I believe that our world would have never become the same without him! I wish he shared his wisdom with me because now the world and I need him as never before..

The third person is Gabriel Bonheur Chanel or just Coco Chanel. I don’t know anybody as elegant and good-looking as she! I wish she could share a couple of advice about fashion and clothes with me. Coco Chanel influenced fashion all around the world and I would be pleased to see the idol of high-fashion in person.

The fourth person is Steve Jobs. It’s time we discussed the technological development, right? How about meeting the chairmen of Apple corporation? Apple is one of the most highly successful companies producing computers and phones. Moreover, I have one question that I’m eager to ask Steve in the first place. The question is – “Why an apple?” I can’t wait to hear his interpretation of the story of the name of such an acclaimed brand!

The fifth guest is Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta or, simply, Lady Gaga. The movie “A Star is Born” and Lady Gaga’s spectacular “Shallow” stole my heart. It’s my cherished dream that I hear the live version of this song and see her playing the piano. I truly admire Lady Gaga’s strength and bravery to be the person she wants to be no matter what other people are saying. Her bright, eye-catching outfits are often criticized but she doesn’t care about it. When I was a teenager I used to listen to the song “Born this way.” You may not believe me but this particular song helped me to become more confident and to believe in myself. I want to thank Lady Gaga for it. She is a hero for me!

The last but not the least person on the list is James Fallon who achieved star status for hosting The Tonight Show. It’s a common fact that people who have only met each other for the first time often feel awkward – but not with this guy! Jimmy Fallon, with his adorable sense of humor, knows how to break the ice at any party! There is no need to worry about embarrassing silent – Jimmy has met so many interesting people that he has an endless supply of hilarious stories. More than that, he is a professional interviewer and I can tell him about the interview my group mate Julia and I did for our English classes. Probably, he will give us recommendations that will make our future interviews perfect!

Unquestionably, it is supposed to be a marvelous evening, but, to be perfectly frank, I cannot imagine it without people with home I studied every single day.

Dear Lidia Valentinovna, Julia, Anita, Karina, Larisa, Alina, Valya, Vera, Sonya, Nastya, and Marina – I hope you will join the dinner party!

Without you I will be too nervous and, you know, I will quickly run out of interesting questions… I hope you will come and back me up.

All together we will have a ball!


Sveta ❤️