Updated Grin Coin Mining Guide w/ FASTEST Miner + How To Buy & Sell Grin Coin w/o GRIN Wallet

7 min readJan 23, 2019


Hey guys! I added some updates to my previous launch day guide to mining Grin Coin (GRIN) where we took place in mining right after the genesis block (initial block of the blockchain for GRIN). This guide can be viewed here.

This blog post on the VoskCoin Medium is focused on two key updates you need to know about mining the most profitable coin in cryptocurrency right now (which is GRIN if you did not already know).

How to Buy & Sell Grin Coin without using the (currently) Linux only wallet
Updated guide on mining Grin Coin w/ the fastest GRIN miner available

For the official VoskCoin video walkthrough on how to buy & sell Grin Coin without using the GRIN wallet + Updated mining guide with the fastest GRIN miner please watch it here!

First I am going to focus on how to buy and sell Grin Coin w/ Bitforex exchange which you can sign up for here w/ our link to help support more posts about Grin Coin and other popular cryptocurrencies. http://voskco.in/BuySellGrin

Are you a member of the VoskCoin Discord server yet? Join the Grin Coin mining & Buying+Selling discussion there! http://voskco.in/Discord2

Before I go further into the method of buying & selling GRIN without a Grin Coin wallet I do want to clarify that you can also use the standard IP method with the Grin Coin wallet if you’d like to do so. Simply navigate to your deposit section on Bitforex and click GRIN from the drop down and you will have an address generated for as shown below.

It’s a very simple process to buy and sell GRIN without a Grin Coin wallet, after signing up with Bitforex which has not blocked me for being a US citizen which sadly many cryptocurrency exchanges do — you will need to locate your UID number

Once you have generated your account with Bitforex head back to F2Pool and you will need to have created an account with them and accrued a GRIN balance of over 5 GRIN — they payout automatically once a day between 0000 UTC and 0800 UTC.
Next you will navigate to your account settings and then your payout settings. From there you will select Grin-29 which is the GPU algorithm for GRIN.

Bitforex has been and still is the largest exchange for Grin Coin by GRIN volume and that is why I chose it along with the simple UID method for payout. Simply input your UID after selecting Bitforex, confirm with your code and submit!

At this point you can execute trade orders as you would on any other cryptocurrency exchange, and with a new emerging cryptocurrency like GRIN I am sure I don’t need to explain the absolute basics to you — you’re on the bleeding edge of crypto tech! Just place your sell or buy order at the Bitcoin BTC value you would prefer (which the exchange will show you the USD valuation of that said Bitcoin) and click! You can click an open order to either buy or sell at that price also.

Thats it! You have successfully bought or sold Grin Coin, you can initiate a Bitcoin withdrawal from their site if you’d like (recommended). For this you will need to sync it with google authenticator (a free 2fa app) as well as input a personal 6 digit security code — this is separate from the google 2fa. I have successfully withdrawn Bitcoin from Bitforex, as shown below.

Updated guide on mining Grin Coin w/ the fastest miner available for GRIN

Cryptocurrency is rapidly changing and evolving, within cryptocurrency is cryptocurrency mining which is also . . rapidly changing and evolving. Grin Coin mining has been advancing at a rapid pace, which can be expected with all of the press GRIN has been receiving. This is an updated guide with the FASTEST miner for Grin Coin to enable you to earn the most profits / acquire the most GRIN mining at no cost in dev fee % or power usage — this is simply the latest GRIN miner with the highest hashrates on Nvidia and AMD GPUs.

Bminer has currently lead the way in Grin Coin GPU mining with the fastest GPU miner, their latest release puts them ~40% faster than the leading
alternative Grin Gold miner.

First lets start with How To Mine Grin Coin GRIN on Windows

You can download the latest version here http://voskco.in/GrinMiner
Once downloaded and extracted (if you need a free Windows extraction tool, peazip works well) you will then open the GrinningV2 folder and right click mine_grin and edit this file (its a start bat file) by replacing my username with your username you have created on F2Pool.

That is it. . it is that simple to start mining Grin Coin GRIN on your Windows PC or Mining Rig — if you are wondering about what the best overclock settings for your GRIN mining rig are — normally +150–+200 core & +500–+700 memory and 75%-85% Power Limit(PL) or 125 watts. These numbers will vary depending on what graphics cards you are using. For example my 1070 TI mining rig that is mining Grin Coin is getting excellent results with +150 core +500 memory and 75% power limit

If you are having issues with your Windows mining rig, increase your virtual memory to 64 GB following this guide here — http://voskco.in/VirtMem

How do you mine Grin Coin GRIN on Linux you ask? I’ll show you how with Simple Miner smOS!

Step one you will need to download and install Simple Miner smOS onto a USB drive / your mining rig — download here http://voskco.in/smOS
Below is a video guide by VoskCoin on how to flash your USB for smOS

Once you have Simple Miner smOS installed, you will need to create a group config for the latest/relevant miner — in this example we will be using bminer v13

After clicking group config on the left bar of the Simple Mining smOS site you’ll click add group and then select or search for the miner you want, in this case searching bminer is the quickest

At this point you can copy and paste the below configuration into the latest version of bminer and replace voskcoin with your username that you registered on F2Pool with.

-uri cuckaroo29://voskcoin.boom:x@grin29.f2pool.com:13654 -api

Next you will click back over to Rig List and check the box(es) next to the miner(s) that you want to mine GRIN with and then click group config and choose the configuration that you just created. You will then click save and you are now successfully mining Grin Coin! You can check the current status of the miner / your mining rig by clicking console in the smOS dashboard.


You now (hopefully. . .) know how to easily buy and sell Grin Coin if without using the Linux CLI GRIN wallet. You also know how to mine Grin Coin on Windows as well as Linux through the use of smOS. I’ve attached some other helpful links to the bottom of this post, if you enjoyed it please consider following VoskCoin on Medium as well as subscribing to the VoskCoin YouTube channel — just click this! http://voskco.in/Sub

Additional helpful Grin Coin GRIN links below
Grin Coin official wallet setup guide — http://voskco.in/GrinW
Grin Coin official wallet download link — http://voskco.in/GrinWdl
Grin Coin block explorer — http://voskco.in/GrinScan
Grin Coin grinmint block explorer — http://voskco.in/GrinMint
Official Grin Coin website — http://voskco.in/GrinSite
Compare Grin Coin mining pools hashrates — http://voskco.in/GrinPools
Best overclocking tool for mining MSI afterburner —http://voskco.in/MSIab

& finally you know that we needed to finish this off with . . Tails Vosk!




I’m Drew Vosk the creator of VoskCoin, the most fun and informative crypto YouTube channel ever! I’m also the Doge Dad to Tails, the cutest Shiba Inu.