Voxel X Network EOM Community Update: February 2023

Voxel X Network
10 min readMar 1, 2023


Greetings VoxCitizens family,

What a month it has been! 2023 started off with Bitcoin creeping back towards its former high levels, while in February the month started with a huge uptrend to the $25K+ market which overtime exhausted to a more recent correction in the market with the looming FED hikes and less favourable data index figures, fortunately one saving grace has been that the month of February closed with Bitcoin holding and consolidating pass the $23k+ mark (along with Ethereum displaying the same strength, which could possibly mean the market has factored in the macro conditions, and ultimately keeping the possible momentum of a bull run alive.

It is with great pleasure to present Voxel X Network February End of Month (EOM) community update and once again will be followed up with Voxel X Network Community AMA on Twitter Spaces on Friday, 3rd March 2023 at 9am UTC Time.

The Voxel X AMA Community Update will provide a summary of the month that has passed, including any announcements and updates on all roadmap items. We will also include an update on the current market conditions and how/if they have impacted decision-making and execution from a leadership perspective.

Current Market Conditions

Economists previously anticipated that the Federal Reserve would need to interrupt their rate increases in the battle against inflation, but they may eventually have to resume them to surpass projected benchmarks. The recent market upswing can be attributed, in part, to this likelihood. However, analyzing inflation on a case-by-case basis only provides a limited view, as the data is collected to track long-term trends while markets react daily. In essence, the current situation can be viewed as a tug-of-war between short-term investment opportunities and environmentally conscious ventures that drive spending and the Federal Reserve’s efforts to communicate a narrative that curtails spending and tightens economic conditions. From our perspective, the Federal Open Market Committee’s (FOMC) statements are meant to guide regulators rather than serve as a public press release.

The US employment sector is currently experiencing a period of growth, particularly in the service industries such as restaurants and cleaning services, resulting in a limited labor supply. This trend has prompted some businesses to increase prices in order to counteract the surge in labor expenses, thereby raising the potential for a wage-price spiral. In response, the Federal Reserve is closely monitoring the status of the sector, having already increased interest rates by 4.5% in the past year to mitigate inflationary pressures. Despite the aforementioned challenges, the labor market remains robust, and it is expected that the Federal Reserve will implement further interest rate hikes this year. Encouragingly, there are indications that the upward pressure on wages may be waning, which would align with the Federal Reserve’s overarching goal.

Currently, the US economy is displaying favorable conditions, marked by a significant increase in consumer spending and a profusion of job opportunities. However, certain imminent uncertainties are looming, such as the uncertain trajectory of the Federal Reserve’s rate hikes and global concerns such as geopolitical tensions with Russia and Ukraine and trade relations with China. Regarding the Federal Reserve, it appears to be considering two courses of action. The first entails raising its benchmark rate, which could range from 5% to 6%, surpassing previous projections by a significant margin. However, the outcome is still uncertain. Alternatively, one option under consideration involves pausing and monitoring the full effects of the rate hikes implemented last year before continuing to increase rates to counteract inflation. This would enable the Federal Reserve to obtain a more accurate understanding of the situation before taking further action.

Voxel X continues to monitor the current market conditions closely and thus far has had minimal impact on our decisions pertaining to current development and releases.

Voxel X Ecosystem Update

With the appointment of Eric Ramsey as our CTO, a lot has changed regarding the development of SuperKluster. It is safe to say that the addition of Eric to the team has really sped things up in the past month. In our latest Medium Article, you can read all about the progress that has been made and what functionalities are being added to SuperKluster. You can find the Medium release here:


Next to the technical updates as described in the Medium update, the team is really focusing on enhancing the UI/UX experience and bringing it to the next level. By doing so, we are offering a cleaner look and feel to SuperKluster which will be easier to navigate and more pleasing to the eye. Of course, images say a lot more than words. Expect some sneak peeks dropping in our Telegram group, so make sure to join us there.

SuperKluster remains on target for a Q1 hard launch, however we must stress it is important to factor in the pending updated security audit by CertiK and rigorous testing of the updated implementations.

The Atomic VoxDex
Our CTO brought the atomic power to our VoxDex!

Atomic swaps are a revolutionary development in the crypto world that allows for seamless and secure peer-to-peer transactions without the need for a third-party intermediary.

The benefits of atomic swaps are numerous. For one, they eliminate the need for trusted intermediaries, which can reduce transaction costs and increase transaction speed. They also provide a higher level of security, as there is no single point of failure that can be exploited by malicious actors.

By removing the need for centralized exchanges, our VoxDex will contribute to one of the main objectives of the Voxel X Network: “decentralization” and make it more accessible to a wider audience. This could help to further drive the mainstream adoption of our Dex and increase their overall value.

Overall, atomic swaps represent a major step forward for the VoxDex. They offer numerous benefits over traditional trading methods and have the potential to revolutionize the way we think about exchanging cryptocurrencies. As the technology continues to evolve, we can expect to see even greater advancements in the field of peer-to-peer trading, making the VoxDex a cornerstone of the entire Voxel X Network ecosystem.

In short, prepare yourselves for one of our upcoming mediums dedicated to VoxDex!

VoxNodes division have been working diligently to develop the internal architecture and scope of VoxNodes.

Prepare yourselves for the first introductory upcoming medium release which takes a more holistic outlook on the technical nature of Nodes and what VoxNodes will bring to the ecosystem.

From thereon, we will prepare a series of mediums for imminent release, which will provide a more in-depth look into the;

- VoxNodes Architecture Framework
- Voxel X Ecosystem Operational VoxNodes
- Our Partners and benefits
- Passive income opportunities
- and finally VoxNodes Presale

VoxNodes vision and mission is to completely democratise the Voxel X Network Ecosystem, handing the power back to the community whilst cementing VoxNodes as an integral part of the ecosystem operationally.

VoxCitizens / VoxelXVerse
Head of VoxelXVerse + VoxCitizens Pollock has been working around the clock in development and on strategic planning going forward, after a pivot in direction mentioned in January’s EOM medium.

We will dedicate an entire Medium on VoxCitizens + VoxelXVerse which will provide a more detailed insight on the plans going forward.

CEX Listings
As per our previous EOM mediums, our position remains unchanged.

We continue to hold onto the pre-approved Top Tier CEX listing, and our consideration to list will be based on product development progress and, more importantly, community engagement. Uptake of new holders has drastically improved, as this will allow for an exponential ROI in terms of volume and market cap.

We remain in strong contact with Tier CEXs, we expect once we move into the next phase of product delivery, post our first top tier CEX listing, the flow on effect will build the necessary momentum which will progress to back to back Tier CEX listings.

Strategic Partnerships
A month to write home on!

The partnerships team has been tirelessly performing due diligence while also managing partnership requests following the release of our Superkluster medium.

The team’s phenomenal efforts starting Partnerships Manager Ubergeek have helped free up Rob — Head of Partnerships, to commence deep and lengthy discussions with an international Web2 brand that is venturing into Web3. More information on this will be coming out very soon.

We also have multiple GameFi, Metaverse, and NFT projects in the discussion stage, in addition to four confirmed new partners to announce.

We know Rob is super excited with an upcoming creative partner announcement, unknowingly until recently, the creative partner originates from the same small hometown as Rob!

On a final note, stay tuned for an exciting medium release straight from your favorite partnerships team!


Many of our community members are familiar with the Shiba Inu community or perhaps even part of the ShibArmy.

Voxel X exclusively launched onto ShibaSwap DEX, we held an AMA in the Shiba telegram group and have maintained an ongoing relationship, demonstrating our support for the Shiba ecosystem since inception.

So with the much anticipation of Shibarium release, it was a natural decision and transition for Voxel X to fully support Shytoshi Kusama’s vision for a decentralized Shibarium that welcomes all projects.

Voxel X have committed to pro-actively promoting Shibarium with our growing 75+ strong listed partners, which has already commenced with Rob — Head of Partnerships in liaison with many of our partners.

Voxel X has also committed to bridging our web2 major brand relationships to support the Shibarium ecosystem.

Voxel X development team will coordinate with the Shiba devs to ensure Shibarium chain is factored into our development, again demonstrating a meaningful and unified coordination and relationship amongst both projects.

Finally Voxel X will commit to supporting the Shiba ecosystem by providing exclusive benefits pertaining to $Shib, $Leash and $bone tokens on our product platforms, when $shib burn? 👀

Please make sure to support the visionary himself Shytoshi, that recently quote retweeted ‘WOOF’ to Voxel Tweet of our support to Shibarium https://twitter.com/ShytoshiKusama/status/1630581407843008514?s=20

Expansions to the team

Last month, the Voxel X team was expanded with Michael Agapito as our new CCO and Eric Ramsey as our CTO. Last month, we’ve added more members to our ever growing team.

It’s with great honor that we’ve added Bryan Rand to the team as Voxel X Spanish Community Manager. Saeid Parsa as Voxel X Persian Community Manager and Kenan Kahraman as Voxel X Turkish Community Manager. Bryan, Saeid and Kenan and are well experienced and known in the world of Web3 and will focus on building our communities with integrity even further.

We’re also in further talks with more country community managers, building a more holistic approach to our diverse community. By appointing individual community managers for different countries, each country will get the attention they deserve to really spread the VXL gospel into their respected countries.

We are also in final discussions with the appointment of a Voxel X Chief Community Officer, we’ve identified this as huge gap which must be filled, to ensure the community receives the active communication and support they deserve, along with the ability to deliver strategic community growth plans and expectations.

At Voxel X, we are constantly looking to talented individuals who resonate with our mission and vision and want to bring attention to Voxel X in their country or have the skills for the many divisions within Voxel X Network. If you want to apply as a country manager at Voxel X, feel free to reach out to us at any time.

Further team updates include the appointing of a CEO to Voxel X.

We are in final discussions with a high profile CMO, while we are still on the lookout for a proactive COO that has the time, dedication and passion to serve this very intensive role.

The ending of Q1 2023

What a quarter it has already been! With so much happening and bullish momentum returning into crypto, the Voxel X Network team is currently working harder than ever to deliver on our products and end the first quarter of 2023 with a bang.

So what’s to expect for the final month of this quarter? Without giving to much away, expect some major partnerships announcements, new team member additions, an upgrade in our country groups and of course a host of product updates which will be published in defined mediums.

We would like to end this EOM update with a sincere thank you to our VoxCitizens family. You have helped us to a great start in 2023 and it’s great to see the daily energy on social media and in our Discord and Telegram group lift exponentially. In saying this, if it’s not too much to ask, we do want to request one small favor.

We ask each VoxCitizen to reach out to one friend and invite them to our Voxel X Network Telegram channel to become part of our ever-growing family. Because winning is best when we win together, right?


About Voxel X Network

Voxel X Network (‘Voxel X’) is positioned to become the leading provider of community-run technological platforms for thousands of projects in the emerging NFT, GameFi & Metaverse space and in turn create one of the largest decentralized markets the world has ever seen.

Voxel X developing infrastructure within its ecosystem will provide innovative next generation technological solutions for the emerging NFT, GameFi and Metaverse industry, which will include the Voxel X Powered NFT Marketplace SuperKluster, VoxDex Decentralized Exchange, VoxelXVerse Metaverse, VoxNodes Node Network and VoxDAO DAO system.

Voxel X is optimized for NFT digital assets, gaming, metaverse, and Web3 development, while supporting key EVM chains.

Please visit www.voxelxnetwork.com for more information.

