Internet of Things, lights and shadows of the hyper-connected future

VueTel Italia
3 min readJun 22, 2015

Smart cities, homes that can be controlled remotely, offices equipped with the highest technologies, many applications in agriculture, medicine, energy: the Internet of Things promises to revolutionize future, but it must be handled carefully.

MTN focuses on the African Internet of Things

MTN, the South African mobile operator, has announced the launching of a new platform to connect IoT instruments and systems. It is a new network which the entire continent will benefit from, in order to increase the number of people connected and to lower costs.

The 8 means the IoT will use to change our life

Home and office, cities, industry, vehicles, transport, health, energy, agriculture: these are the 8 areas where the Internet of Thing will be able to bring about revolutionary innovations. Alec Scott summarized them in areport published in “The Globe and the Mail”, made even more interesting by Borja Bonaque’s illustrations.

Even Google invests in the Internet of Things

In the annual “I/O” conference for developers, Google introduced Brillo, the new platform designed for those who work on “smart” devices and systems, useful to build the tomorrow’s hyper-connected society. “We want to connect devices in a continuous and user-friendly way” said Pichai, Vice Chairman of the giant of Mountain View, “and make them better in the eyes of users.”

Who is afraid of future?

“The phobia about the Internet of Thing”, this is the article’s title chosen by the site Techcabal to deal with the “obscure aspect” of the hyper-connected future. Security, privacy, terrorism, these are the key words of the discussion on how to handle the advent of a world where everything will be “smart” and which will be based on a state-of-the-art data collection and processing system.

Safe connections to protect your privacy

Paul Bond, as an IT consultant of the legal aid company ‘Reed Smith’, signed an article for Forbes where he deals with the legal aspects of the connection security in the advent of the Internet of Things, taking into consideration both the companies and consumers.

Simplicity, cheapness and efficiency: the three IoT’s challenges

The portal Fortune interviewed Anne Lauvergeon, Chairperson of the Board of Directors of Sigfox, a French start-up which provides a network of IoT device connections. The company’s goal, as told the manager, is to strengthen its network, in order to make the “smart” services cheaper and more efficient.



VueTel Italia

VueTel Italia is an international TLC company that works in wholesale voice and data businesses. Its core markets are Mediterranean area and African continent