Top 10 Brands and their CEOs

Great brands are an integral part of our life.

Vuru (@VuruDotCo)
2 min readJun 16, 2016

They’re unavoidable, infiltrating our thoughts, actions, and beliefs. In a world of information overload, only the truly special can stick out.

A strong brand can be the difference between a good and great company. It helps create an economic moat which can provide profitability for the future. When you combine a powerful brand with elite management, a company can change the world.

A good brand is known. A great brand is desired.

These next 10 CEOs lead the 10 most valuable brands in the world. Find out how each CEO uses their unique abilities to grow the brand into the powerhouse it is today.

The Top 10 Most valuable Brands & CEOs:

*Brand value data from Forbes

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Vuru (@VuruDotCo)

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