Beating Quantum Computing Bugs: The WAB Prospect

BAW Network
5 min readJul 3, 2018


The blockchain is yet in its early years, and it has become one of the most disruptive technologies of the last decade. In practice and description, the blockchain offers what technologies before it could not produce. Transparency, security, integrity, as well as data persistence are some of its hallmarks.

In recent months, the increase in published works detailing quantum computing possibilities has raised not a few eyebrows. In effect, blockchains are safe because data is stored in cryptography, and to de-crypt it requires enormous resources.

In view of what quantum computing can produce in terms of exponential capacity to resolve difficulties, cryptography as used in existing blockchains is susceptible. By putting Shor’s Algorithm to work, quantum computers can hack into blockchains and take a hold of the network.

While Blockchains Were Safe Before Quantum Computing

The PCs and other computers available for use in today’s world are limited by their components. Within the CPU are circuits that work on an on-and-off basis. This mechanism helps the processor to work safely and functionally. Quantum computing on the other hand works with qubits or quantum bits, which exist in an environment of optimal coldness at near zero degrees.

Unlike normal computers, quantum computing gives rise to a processing power of exponential possibilities. In other words, the capacity to compute grows as the task increases with no shutdown of the CPU.

In comparing normal computers to quantum computers, while the former is not built for quantum functions, the latter has such capacities. The power of a 4,000-qubit QC is enough to break into the blockchain and control the network. In simple terms, a QC will be able to solve any mathematical difficulty and add a block to the existing chain.

The threat of QC is such that opens the door to a compromise of the power, system of trust, and decentralization of the blockchain. In a factual estimation, it is reported that QC will not be ready at the retail level until about a decade away. When they become available, all blockchains to the third generation will be susceptible to hacking and takeover based on the power of quantum computing.

At WAB, the thinking is that why not get ready now and get it right? This explains the release of working notes on WAB as we prepare the design and realization of the WAB Blockchain. In failing to respond right away to the threat of QC, blockchains could be compromised when the QC- run PCs become available.

The WAB Answer

WAB Blockchain comes with a different description from the existing blockchains. WAB will use a quantum-proof encryption methodology so that the cloning of signatures will be impossible. Other safeguards include the use of Lamport signatures, transaction hash, as well as cryptography primitives.

Cryptography Primitives

Cryptography primitives are commonly used in cryptographic systems, and they form the building blocks of the platform. In choosing the best cryptography primitives for WAB, we took into consideration the need for security.

The common cryptography systems are seen as SSH, SSL, TLS, among others. In ascertaining that there are no computational errors in the WAB algorithm, our testnet will be independently audited to check for bugs.

Cryptographic primitives are understandably linear in function, and they need to be combined with other security layers to ensure system integrity. In sending a message, encoding is put in place, and his cannot be mathematically resolved by quantum computers. To decrypt the message requires encryption keys that cannot be modified by a hacker without disrupting the data flow.

Lamport Signatures

WAB is designed to run on safety protocols that can work hand-in-hand with cryptographic primitives. Such multi-layered security architecture makes it difficult for quantum computers to seize the platform. In authorizing a transaction, a digital signature is constructed for a one-time use. In other words, you cannot recreate it for a second transaction or to spoof another.

The signature is created in the same way that a cryptographic hash algorithm works. While quantum computing poses a threat to security, WAB cannot be compromised on the strength of exponential computational power. The large hash functionality makes Lamport signatures safe for use in an otherwise challenged ecosystem.

The grounds for a re-use of Lamport signatures are only made possible when hash trees are built into the algorithm of the network. A single key could go on as a verifier in such situations, but, the WAB Blockchain is not built on such a template.

Transaction Hash

The transaction hash is a common feature of all blockchains. It is the evidence of a process completion that embeds all prior processes that led to the outcome. The earliest forms of transaction hash as a signature scheme did not work out practically due to space constraints, and evident progress has been made ever since.

The prevailing hash-based schemes to be adopted in the WAB Blockchain will be fast, yield small signatures, and be compelling. By putting this to use, a hash function is activated so that an entire message becomes a representation shown as a few characters. To give rise to the hash will be logical based on the design of the blockchain.

WAB Blockchain will ensure that a secure hash function will suffice when generating a signature without cluttering the ecosystem with avoidable data.

By deciding for a combination of signature schemes, WAB makes it easy to detect a compromise of any of the layers so that a replacement can be requested and made. Failure to present a worthy replacement will void an initiated transaction.

Another feature of the hash signature is that it is collusion- resistant and this makes it easy to spot spoofed data. In place also is the forward –secure function, which will be built-in so that ecosystem has enough protection. No matter if a previous transaction hash is known by an infiltrator, the necessitated key for present authorization will be unavailable until the layers of signatures are initiated, adhered to, and validated.

WAB Blockchain is built to avoid the perils of compromised systems and networks. By opting for a multi-layer of transaction signature mechanism, it wards off the threat of quantum computing. The WAB Blockchain is making progress in its journey to reality.

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