Florida, California then Nebraska — Yvonne Defines Grit in Tech!


Moving to Omaha from Southern California (not once but twice), LinkedIn’s Yvonne Nickels was laser focused on 2 goals: Supporting her family and creating a flourishing career! As a proud mom accomplishing both of these goals, Yvonne now encourages others to reach for the stars and accomplish their dreams! Hear more from Yvonne on her path to the #SiliconPrairie:

Haner: Tell us a bit about your childhood. Where did you grow up?

Yvonne: I was born as the middle child into a family of 3 children in Tampa, FL. We moved to Hacienda Heights, CA and lived in several different cities before finally moving to Fontana, CA when I was a teenager. That’s where I remained until I moved to Omaha in 1996.

My mother and father divorced when I was 14 and I witnessed the challenges a single mother faces trying to raise 3 children on her own. I often was responsible for caring for my younger brother while my mother worked 1 of her 3 jobs ensuring we were provided for. Those experiences taught me a lot about responsibility & working hard.

“I often was responsible for caring for my younger brother”

Haner: It sounds like you had to grow up fast and those experiences have shaped a lot of who you are today. How did you find yourself moving to Omaha the first time?

Yvonne: When I was 16, I became pregnant with my oldest daughter. Her father was from Omaha and wanted us to move closer to his family. Of course, I wanted to move together, but my mother required me to finish high school before I could move. I met those requirements and graduated a year early by combining my Junior and Senior year, then moving to Omaha in 1996.

Haner: What was it like adopting to Omaha workforce after growing up in southern California?

Yvonne: We had our son after I moved to Omaha and I then found myself as a single mother of 2. Utilizing the support of various assistance programs in the area to stay afloat, I entered the workforce at 19 in an effort to avoid repeating the cycle I observed as a child. I began working at Idelman Telemarketing, then moved to retail, then restaurant management at Burger King. I had decent opportunities, but quickly realized how hard it was to juggle all of this while raising 2 children on my own. I needed stability in my work-life. I contacted a previous licensing manager from my time at Idelman, Sheryl Cloyd, and was hired at Sitel. Thanks to her mentorship, I was supervising a licensing team in a much more stable role. I couldn’t have shifted into that more secure position, without the help of Sheryl.

“I had decent opportunities, but quickly realized how hard it was to juggle all of this while raising 2 children”

Haner: That’s an incredible story! It’s also one that doesn’t often result in an individual having a lengthy and successful career at “Tech” companies. How did that transition happen?

Yvonne: While I was at Sitel, I still wanted more. I needed help with my children, so I returned to southern California to be close to my family. I met my now husband, but with the cost of living in that region, we needed something more economical. I suggested Omaha after experiencing how great it was myself and we considered it as a real option. It was in my search for a career in Omaha ahead of our move that I found Yahoo!. The “tech-boom” in Omaha was taking hold about that time and Yahoo! was doing a lot of hiring for Customer Support roles. Given my background, I applied and was hired!

Haner: What has your career in Tech been composed of since?

Yvonne: It’s still exciting when I pause to consider I have a great tech career. I never considered myself someone who’d work at multiple top internet companies when I was younger. I was first hired as an Associate Account Manager at Yahoo! and promoted a few years later. I then became more familiar of LinkedIn through friends and colleagues who were employed there. After interviewing for several roles unsuccessfully, I started to become discouraged but through a great relationship with the recruiter, they suggested I interview for a Member Support role and I became a LinkedIn employee in April 2014. I’ve gone on to lead one of those Support Teams for the last 2 1/2 years!

Haner: Thinking back on your path, you must be very proud! What advice would you give to others that are challenged to find their career path?

Yvonne: Never settle for less than you deserve! Throughout my career and life, there were many times I set limits on myself and feed self-doubt. I now realize that even though I overcame challenging circumstances, I was holding myself back. I still remember times I felt I deserved better, but I set myself back by feeling I should be happy with what I had. It’s taken me many years to realize that I deserve everything I dream of and I hope to inspire that same confidence in those I meet and speak with.

“Never settle for less than you deserve!”

Yvonne leads one of North America’s Client Support Teams for LinkedIn today as well as leads the entire Omaha location in their efforts to act more inclusively for all who wish to have economic opportunity. To learn more about her and to engage with her after this interview, check out her LinkedIn Profile.

For stories like this and more information about the Omaha/Lincoln tech scene, check out www.WeAreTheSiliconPrairie.com

Mark Haner (author) is a local tech leader committed to investing in, developing and growing the Tech Industry throughout the Omaha/Lincoln NE metro-area.

This article was originally posted by Mark Haner on LinkedIn.



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