Robust Decision Support process for the sustainability of the region

USAID Regional Water and Vulnerable Environment Activity

Communications Team
2 min readOct 6, 2021

To assist Central Asia governments in preparing for the future uncertainty associated with climate change, population growth, and increased water, food, and energy demand, the USAID Regional Water and Vulnerable Environment Activity has initiated the Robust Decision Support (RDS) process. The RDS process will bring stakeholders together in the Syr Darya and Amu Darya River basins to understand and discuss the complex, multiple issues related to water and energy security that the region will face over the next several decades. The development of two integrated models will accompany the RDS process. The Water Evaluation and Planning System (WEAP) and Low Emission Analysis System (LEAP) models will help analyze and visualize the impacts of decisions using future scenarios developed by the stakeholders.

On August 9, national stakeholders in Kazakhstan were introduced to the RDS process in an online workshop. The workshop featured a range of scenarios to be developed, analyzed, and considered relevant to the region using the WEAP and LEAP models and helped participants understand how RDS might practicably be applied in Central Asia. Attendees included the Ministry of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies (KazISS), as well as other scientific and research institutions.

As a result, three primary inputs to the RDS from Kazakhstan were discussed and identified, such as measures of success, critical uncertainties that might influence future development, and planning strategies and options. These inputs and inputs from similar RDS workshops in Tajikistan and Uzbekistan will be combined and discussed during an upcoming regional RDS workshop to identify regional scenarios for development and analysis through the models.

To support the WEAP and LEAP modeling efforts, the USAID Regional Water and Vulnerable Environment Activity has established the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) comprised of scientific-research institutions, design institutes, and other stakeholders and representatives implementing similar activities in the Syr Darya basin. The goal of the TAC is to support the RDS process with expert knowledge and guidance and advise on an institutional home for the modeling and decision support process for sustainability post-project.



Communications Team

USAID Regional Water and Vulnerable Environment Activity strengthens water cooperation across Central Asia.