Heart of Agile vs Modern Agile

How does it compare?

Willem-Jan Ageling
Agile Insights


You may have heard of the concepts ‘Heart of Agile’ and ‘Modern Agile’. Both came to existence because the creators looked to what has become of Agile since 2001. They both felt the need to refocus and hence they created their concepts.

But how do they compare? I will give my humble view on this here, starting with a short introduction of both.

Heart of Agile

Heart of Agile (http://heartofagile.com) is created by Alistair Cockburn. As one of the authors of the Agile Manifesto (in 2001) he probably doesn’t need any further introduction.

His point of view is that the whole idea of the Agile Manifesto is simple. But since 2001 Agile became more and more complicated, more things have been put on it. Agile became a complete industry.

Heart of Agile says that we should go back to the essence, which is four words:

  • Collaborate
  • Deliver
  • Reflect
  • Improve

Heart of Agile is considered to be the end-state of Shuhari, a Japanese martial art concept. See…



Willem-Jan Ageling
Agile Insights

https://ageling.substack.com Writer, editor, founder of Serious Scrum. I love writing about maximizing value.