It’s Been a Long Time Comin’…

WL Winter
Nov 7, 2021


…gonna be a long time gone.

American Dreamtime

Here in the land of the free and the home
of the brave, we are instructed to dream &
when and how — our Dreamtime is advert
reductionism, movie imagery burned
into low-brow oversimplification

The lowest common denominator
squeezed into big-box sensibilities,
tribal indoctrination disguised as
fast food disguised as video games

Sunglasses become a diversionary tactic
as we worship the illusion of youth to obey
the mouthpiece of corporate dignity and bow
to the hereditary rulers of capital growth

Freedom of religion as long as it’s My religion,
the power of suggestion as conquering king.
Beat your plowshares into computer chips
in your horror-film/game-show worldview

Welcome to the despair of the impossible gate…

props to J. R. R. Tolkien for the tagline



WL Winter

Poet, Language Aficionado, Various, Unofficial Raconteur, Former Woody Guthrie Poet. *all images © wl winter*