In A Perfect World

WL Winter
Nov 20, 2021


…it just makes sense

Lung Work

Do you know how many
of them have been face
down on the example
table breathing freedom
air one lung at a time?

Catch up, dude, there’s
a ghost in your pocket.
Turn it inside-out so you
are a smaller target & keep
it in the key of G if you don’t
mind. Oh, and stop whining.

I’d drive all the way across
Lincoln County to shake this
scene, there’s nothing civilized
about death & politics.

Remember that the built-in
map echoes, and don’t trust
anybody who only lives inside
one mind. Ergo, let’s corroborate.

On one hand, it’s real, and
the other hand knows not
what it’s doing, but there’s
true light in the twilight,
so take the damn shot,




WL Winter

Poet, Language Aficionado, Various, Unofficial Raconteur, Former Woody Guthrie Poet. *all images © wl winter*