End Violence Against Women: Leave No One Behind

Women’s March Global
Women's March Global
3 min readNov 25, 2017

Representing: S (Safety) in the H.E.R.S Framework

Today is the start of the 16 days of Action campaign and Women’s March Global joins in this 16 days of activism by launching #16DaysOfGlobal. Today we share the work of our partner in Nigeria: Generation Initiative for Women and Youth Network (GIWYN).


Violence against women has become a growing problem in Nigeria. In the past few years, there have been many cases of domestic violence, sexual exploitation and abduction. Why are women still suffering from violence in Nigeria and what are the causes of gender based violence in our society?

In our country today, there are restrictive laws, cultural beliefs and religious beliefs that infringe on the fundamental human rights of women which sustain the status quo that tolerates violence and discrimination. In the era of Sustainable Development Goals 2030 agenda, gender equality (SDG #5: Achieving Gender Equality) cannot be achieved without completely eliminating all forms of violence.

Gender equality refers to equal rights, responsibilities and opportunities that creates an environment for all women to achieve their social, political, cultural, economic and reproductive health rights and have their personal values maintained.

Women’s rights are human rights and any denial of these rights due to restrictive laws, culture or religion is a systematic violation of women’s human rights.

GIWYN is particularly concerned with women attaining the highest standard of life in a peaceful environment. But the high level of violence limits the full range of a woman’s human rights. Some women we have worked with at GIWYN have faced physical abuse, psychological abuse and deprivation of resources needed for physical and psychological well-being which include: Reproductive health care, nutrition, education and means of livelihood.

Thus, this systematic denial and withholding of these services constitutes an act of violence that has a detrimental effect on the lives of all women specifically impacting the most marginalised groups such as young unmarried women, women living with disabilities, women living with HIV, ethnic minorities, sex workers, LGBT+ people, and the populations affected by conflict and natural disasters, amongst others.

To reinforce our commitment to end violence against women we join the Unite Campaign to Orange our World which supports a brighter and safer future for women. According UN Women, the colour orange is a key theme unifying all activities. Our environment will be lit and decorated in orange to bring global attention to the issue of violence against women and girls. In this light, GIWYN calls on all national and global communities worldwide to end all forms of violence against women and girls around the world.

Written by: Sybil Nkeiruka Nmezi, founder of GIWYN

Photo: GIWYN Nigeria: Orange our World Action
Photo: GIWYN Nigeria: Orange our World Action


Join GIWYN on Facebook and Twitter and their website.

