Manus Island — We must not forget

Women’s March Global
Women's March Global
2 min readDec 4, 2017

Representing: H, R and S (Health, Representation & Safety) in the H.E.R.S Framework

Day 10 of #16DaysOfGlobal — We cannot forget about the men on Manus Island (or the women, men and children in Nauru). Today we share with you information regarding the situation on Manus Island and resources so you can be more informed and take action. Raise your voice.


On October 31st, Australia’s offshore detention center on Manus Island, Papua New Guinea, was officially closed. Many of the men on Manus Island have been in detention for 3–4 years and are now being threatened with forcible removal from the detention center to Lorengau Center, which is not yet livable. Food, water, and electricity have been cut off to the detention center by local authorities. Recently, Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders) was denied access to assess the men barricaded in the detention center.

As of Friday November 24, men were rounded up and the detention center was cleared of all asylum seekers. But there are shortages in new accommodation for the asylum seekers and reports of violence towards asylum seekers by PNG forces.

Australia was recently elected to the UN Human Rights Council yet fails to acknowledge this gross violation of human rights. They have failed asylum seekers in Nauru and Manus and must uphold their legal responsibility to the safety and welfare of the men on Manus Island.

There are actions you can take to help the men on Manus today.

  1. Call your MP and demand they take action regarding the shutdown of Manus today! Further information on how to contact your MP can be found here. Junkee has put together great tips on how to call your representatives:.
  2. Write a letter to an asylum seeker letting them know they are not forgotten.
  3. Sign and share the petition from Amnesty International.

Read more on the situation in Manus

