Rowena’s #Runspiration

Abbott WMMajors
3 min readJun 27, 2017


I received my 6 star medal after I ran the London Marathon. It was a 10 year process. I entered to the London Marathon and didn’t get picked for the past 10 years. My only way of getting an entry was via a charity runner. I was so lucky and grateful to run for Whizz-Kidz charity. I tried a couple of other charities but was turned down. Earlier this year I got a call from Whizz-Kidz and they accepted me. I was so happy when I crossed the finished line in London, I was literally jumping up and down for joy when I saw the AWMM team with the big sign.

I was in tears because I was so happy. During my run I was thinking about my mom who passed away last November. She gave me strength to finish my race. My boyfriend, Tom McCarthy is so great to support me and flew me to London and back at his own expense. He’s my number one fan! I’m forever grateful for his support and love.

I ran Tokyo in 2009 and I was afraid I had to run it again. I’m so happy when they included it as part of my run. Boston was an amazing race which I ran as a charity runner twice. I last ran it in 2014, the following year after the bombing. It was very special to me to be there and the Bostonian residents support was overwhelming. In New York, I had a chance to run it twice when they still had the program where if you don’t get picked 3 years in a row, you’re automatically in the 4th year. This year I actually got picked in the lottery. I’m excited to run New York this year. It might just be my last marathon. I ran Chicago 4 times. The first year I ran it was when they stopped the race in 2007. I trained so hard that year hoping to run it under 4 hrs but I was stopped at mile 21 because of the heat. I ran it again in 2008, 2012 and 2015. Berlin, I got picked in the lottery and ran it in 2016. I was registered to run it in 2011 but my mom needed surgery around the race day so I had to cancel my trip.

When the 6 star award was first introduced, it was my goal to get it. I’m so happy to have my medal. It’s my bragging rights that I will always cherish. Well earned medal from my running around the world. People still think I’m crazy traveling all over to run a race but when they saw my “huge” medal, they’re all in awed! I’m the first one among my running friends to get one of these medals and I’m so proud!

Thank you Abbott for being a great sponsor for this reward. I really appreciate it very much. I lived in Chicago for over 6 years and being a registered nurse I’m very familiar with Abbott products, world class.



Abbott WMMajors

The World Marathon Majors include Tokyo, Boston, London, Berlin, Chicago & NYC. We promote the world's top pro runners, wheelchair athletes & everyday champions