Protip: Integrating Cmder with text editor

Wojciech Morkowski
2 min readAug 3, 2016


[10.10.2018]: This solution is pretty old, it may not work with newest VSC or Sublime version. Now I’m using cmder as integrated terminal in VSC — link for the description below.

[10.03.2018] Update for VSC: Multiple cmder terminals in Visual Studio Code

Are you missing this built-in terminal feature, known from Webstorm (or other IDEs) in your text editor? You can achieve something similar if you are working on Windows with cmder:

  1. Run your cmder.
  2. Go to ‘Settings -> Startup -> Environment’

3. Type:

set EDITOR_PATH=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft VS Code\Code.exe
alias editor="%EDITOR_PATH%" $1 -new_console:s50V

Where in the first line you should type path to your text editor (I was testing it on Visual Studio Code and Sublime, but it should work with other editors).

4. Save your settings

5. Type ‘editor’ command in command line.

Whoa! We almost finished. But in most cases you don’t want console tab to be attached to the top of the window. You should close console tab, and open it again, paying attention to check “New console split to bottom” checkbox and choose the right console type.

Now when you finally set everything up, you should go to ‘Settings -> Startup’, and check “Auto save/restore opened tabs” checkbox to save our new workflow. Now every time you run cmder, your tabs setup will be restored.


