Knightscope Mini-IPO: #StopTheViolence

William Santana Li
2 min readAug 15, 2016


Knightscope is working on adding gun detection capability to its robot security platform

Dear Friends, Family, Supporters and Keepers of the Peace,

Historically U.S. law permitted only wealthy individuals and venture capitalists to invest in startups, but that opportunity is now extended to everyone with the passing of new regulations. You now have the ability to put your capital to work alongside major institutional investors and invest in early-stage, private companies that are defining the future — and in our case, support a technology that will help one day #StopTheViolence.

Before we go down the path to launching a full offering, we are “testing the waters” to collect non-binding indications of interest from potential investors. Indicate Interest Here


We started Knightscope over 3 years ago to help better secure our country and keep people safe.

We were horrified by the mass shooting at Sandy Hook and the impact 9/11 had on our country eleven years earlier. The ongoing daily increase in violence globally has only served to intensify our efforts.

We believe our game-changing technology will help create safer, engaged communities while significantly reducing costs and drastically improving situational awareness. It’s our ultimate goal to cut the annual $1 trillion negative economic impact of crime on the U.S. in half.


Over the last 3 years, we have built Autonomous Data Machines (ADMs) that have been deployed with clients in California — in Palo Alto, San Francisco, Fremont and San Diego with new upcoming deployments in Sunnyvale, Mountain View, San Jose, Sacramento and Los Angeles.

We are currently working to add a powerful new feature to our robots that detects visible and concealed guns. Knightscope will use the new funding to develop this game-changing feature. Additionally, the funding will also give us the opportunity to scale our production of autonomous robots so that we can deploy them more broadly throughout the U.S.

Indicate Interest Here:

Be part of the movement to help #StopTheViolence and pledge your support today.


William Santana Li, Chairman and CEO, Knightscope, Inc.

Legal Disclaimer: Knightscope, Inc. (“Knightscope”) is “testing the waters” to gauge market demand from potential investors for an Offering under Tier II of Regulation A. No money or other consideration is being solicited, and if sent in response, it will not be accepted. No sales of securities will be made or commitment to purchase accepted until qualification of the offering statement by the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “Commission”) and approval of any other required government or regulatory agency. An indication of interest made by a prospective investor is non-binding and involves no obligation or commitment of any kind. No offer to buy securities can be accepted and no part of the purchase price can be received without an offering statement that has been qualified by the Commission.

