Xuan WuHow to make revenue with your openness — a case studyAs every company is open to some extent, we may always explore how to make a company more open and how to make revenue based on the…Mar 11Mar 11
Xuan WuTutor Volunteer Day 3 with New StudentsTwo higher graders came. Student A works on drawing a plot that I’ve not used for quite a while. Student B works on a exercise book on…Sep 25, 2022Sep 25, 2022
Xuan WuTutor Volunteer Day 2, same kidOn the second day volunteering, great to see the same student again. The parent chatted a bit and left. The kid asks the parent to stay…Sep 18, 2022Sep 18, 2022
Xuan WuFirst Day Tutoring HomeworkI’ve never helped on homework other than my own kids, till today.Sep 13, 2022Sep 13, 2022
Xuan WuInternal Testing: A better way to input Chinese for English speakersHere’s the link to join the very early internal testing of TooEZ Keyboard:Mar 3, 2020Mar 3, 2020
Xuan WuFind out exactly how many upvotes and downvotes for Reddit postsAs mentioned earlier, I posted the demos of my Chinese input methods on Reddit, and received quite some feedback. For example, this post…Feb 27, 2020Feb 27, 2020
Xuan WuDemos of Chinese Input Method (Android) for English SpeakersYesterday I posted in reddit “ChineseLanguage” section the earlier article, and some demos afterwards like this (more in the end).Feb 26, 2020Feb 26, 2020
Xuan WuAndroid keyboard: Type in English, input ChineseAn Android Dev Challenge SubmissionFeb 24, 2020Feb 24, 2020
Xuan Wu(多图)火热出炉的大疆机甲大师RoboMaster S1教育机器人开箱组装小记2010年之后再没碰过机器人的准新手在向大疆官方确认过Python开发支持使用中文命名标识符之后(应该是独一无二的理由吧), 终于下决心入手. 昨日(2019/10/13. 现在半夜1点多, 趁还记得清来复盘)周五中午12点半, 如期等到门铃. 今天的快递大妈看起来分外和蔼啊…Oct 24, 2019Oct 24, 2019