How to Drastically Improve Your Team’s Knowledge Management

Introducing TeamHut: the easiest way to keep your sh*t together

4 min readMay 3, 2018

About me

Hi! My name is Lander, I’m a self employed software engineer and product builder from Belgium.

You’ll often find me tossing frisbees across the Graslei in Ghent, riding a snowboard or hiding behind a computer screen producing beats in Ableton and bootstrapping companies. This is one of them.

Enough about me…


While working as a freelance software & front-end engineer, I’ve noticed a trend among my clients, their employees and the people they collaborate with.

Are you?

  • A Freelancer (Marketing, Copywriter, Graphic Designer, Lawyer, etc.)
  • A Digital Agency (Marketing, PR, Printing Office, Communication, …)
  • or A Tech company?

Then I assume:

You produce a lot of digital content that needs to be updated & distributed often.

Think of project documentation, client resources, campaign branding, research for (blog) articles, sales/legal documents, etc.

You produce a lot of digital content and support multiple clients at the same time. But most importantly:

You struggle to keep everything & everyone up-to-date.

Although it’s never been easier to share documents and bookmarks, a lot of people still feel overwhelmed by information overload.

We’re drowning in notifications, lose track of interesting bookmarks and tend to forget where we save our files.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m a big fan of instant messaging, but face it: how many times have you had to go looking through your history of endless cat pictures for a bookmark someone sent you. Don’t be ashamed, we’ve all been there.

That’s how I was inspired to build TeamHut.

TeamHut makes it easy to organise, label and share your digital content.

Introducing TeamHut

TeamHut helps freelancers and digital teams organise, label and share digital content. It’s a simple solution to collect your team’s knowledge and keep project and/or client specific information neatly organised.

By keeping all important content accessible, everyone knows where to look for the latest version of a client’s campaign branding or that oddly specific influencer tracking link.

It works seamlessly, which makes sure that team members stay connected wherever they go. Everyone sees the most up-to-date content so nothing is being overlooked. Your sales team can rest assured they’re using the latest catalog.

TeamHut enables you to improve collaboration by creating shared folders of important bookmarks & documents. Easily coordinate and categorise shared research with your team.

Use the centralised workspace (Hut) as your starting point for collecting research and onboarding new employees.

“Stop wasting time and start working smarter!”

TeamHut aims to keep knowledge management simple & efficient.

What is knowledge management?

There’s a pretty thorough explanation of knowledge management on Quora:

[…] knowledge management plays multiple roles, either for internal use by sharing and collaborating organizational knowledge or for external use with support knowledge to deliver customer services more efficiently. The internal knowledge comprises of data about best practices, employees, and much more, while the external knowledge refers to information about products & services, their troubleshooting guides, answers to customers’ queries, and more

How does it work?

It’s easy!

  1. Sign up as a team and create a common workspace (Hut).
  2. Invite team members to allow them to view, edit and add (private) bookmarks, documents and folders.
  3. Our folder sharing settings (private or public) makes it easy to create collections per client or category.

How can I use this?

As we’re making sure to keep TeamHut as simple and easy-to-use as possible, there’s a lot of ways you can use your workspace:

Internal use

  • Documenting best practices, collaborative notes, …
  • Bookmarking important bookmarks
  • Label and capture research, etc.

External use

  • Information about products & services
  • Troubleshooting guides
  • Answers to customer queries, etc.

“Our simple approach makes sure you have the freedom to choose!”

You have total freedom to organise your Hut as you seem fit!

How do I register?

Click through to our website to register for TeamHut.
Don’t hesitate to send us a message on Twitter if you have questions.

Where’s the juice?

Here’s some screenshots to give you a better idea of TeamHut:
A screenshot of your team’s workspace
Your team can have multiple collections/workspaces

Join TeamHut

Click through to our website to register for TeamHut.
Signing up only takes a a few seconds and you can get started immediately!

Keep in touch!

Follow our blog or our Twitter account to keep in touch.
Don’t hesitate to contact us in case anything’s unclear!

Thanks for reading!

If you’re interested in using TeamHut, I’d love to hear from you to improve the service I’m offering.

Respond to this post below, follow me on Twitter or sign up to my personal newsletter using the form below:

