Preference for Routine or Fear of Change?

( The musings of an introvert. From the archives of IntrovertWorld)

Wambui Njuguna
3 min readDec 5, 2022

In a world that is almost always overstimulating for introverts, change is not appealing. But it is inevitable for growth.

Photo by HiveBoxx on Unsplash

Introverts tend to seek out less stimulating environments and experiences due to their high sensitivity to dopamine.

This may be so ingrained in daily life that you may not realize when you are rejecting change or failing to initiate it when needed.

Change can be overwhelming for all individuals. A slight change in your daily routine, moving, changing careers, having someone in your life.

Introverts often prefer routines not only because they feel comfortable and offer minimum friction but also because once they get used to them, routines offer low-stimulating environments by allowing you to effortlessly go through your daily tasks.

Doing the same things every day is more appealing for introverts than having to deal with new tasks every day that may call for more or different social interactions, new physical routes, or new environments with different vibes and energies.

Routines, however, may make it hard for you to notice when you are rejecting change or when you are required to initiate change, thus, self-sabotaging your personal growth or career development.

Here are some of the ways you can ensure you are not self-sabotaging yourself or your career;

Evaluating your daily routine.

To check whether it aligns with your goals and what you hope to accomplish and make changes where necessary.

Take time before deciding not to accept roles presented to you in the workplace. You may reject some roles because they require you to change your location, constantly be on the move, or work with people you haven’t worked with before. If you can handle the new requirements, make the changes needed, and find ways to adapt to avoid burnout.

Be mindful of your activities.

Enough to notice when you are safely living in a comfort zone instead of constantly reaching out for what you need.

Be mindful of how you spend your time to notice when you are not cultivating the things you need in life like joy, fun, and new people- not actively initiating change.

Be mindful enough to avoid dependence on your routines.

Routines are great. They allow you to go through daily habits automatically. But there’s a downside.

They numb you to everything going on outside your routine. They may be productive and help you achieve what you need, but as time goes on and you inevitably grow, what you need and what you should accomplish changes. Be capable of changing your routines, avoiding them, and engaging in impulse activities when needed.

IntrovertWorld now has a new look and feel but it’s the same community it’s always been.

I’m writing my first book ,How to have a healthy relationship with your environment, in public. Free bi weekly updates for you when you subscribe.



Wambui Njuguna

Compiling my first book, How to develop a healthy relationship with your environment, in my newsletter. Get access: