Create Users Like Drugs Do

Warner Bell
2 min readFeb 5, 2023


Azure Active Directory User Management

Yoooo!, lets dive into creating users in Azure Active Directory (AD). Whether you’re just starting to use Azure AD or you’ve been using it for a while, creating users can be a bit tricky, but don’t worry, I got you covered.

Let’s get started!

Step 1: Navigate to the Azure AD portal

The first thing you need to do is head over to the Azure AD portal. You can do this by navigating to the Azure portal and then searching Azure Active Directory in the search bar.

Step 2: Create a new user

Once you’re in the Azure AD blade, you’ll see a few options on the left-hand side menu. From here, you’ll want to select “Users” and then “New user”.

Step 3: Fill out the user information

Now it’s time to fill out the user information. You’ll need to provide a few basic details, such as their first and last name, email address, and user name.

  1. Select “Create user”.
  2. Enter a username.
  3. Enter full name.

Step 4: Set a password

The final step is to set a password for the user. You’ll need to provide a password that meets the required complexity requirements and then select “Create”.

  1. Select to “create” or “auto-enerate” a password.
  2. Input or click “show password” to view the auto-generated one.

Step 5: Assign Groups & Roles (Optional)

Next, you can do it now or skip and do it later, choose a group for your user then assign a role to the user. There are a few different options to choose from, including User, Global Administrator, and more. Depending on what you’re using Azure AD for, you may need to assign a different role. Just choose the one that’s right for you!

  1. Click “Create” when done.

And that’s it! Your user is now created and ready to use. You can repeat these steps to create as many users as you need.

Wrapping up

Creating users in Azure AD is a quick and easy process once you get the hang of it. By following these steps, you’ll be able to create new users in no time. please feel free to leave a question or comment below and we’ll be happy to help.

Video Tutorial

