How to Prepare for Your First Piano Lesson

Warren Lee
8 min readOct 27, 2022

So you’ve taken the leap. You finally bought your piano or keyboard and found your ideal teacher. Then you wonder, “How do I get ready for the first lesson?”

aaaaand … you draw a blank.

In a perfect world, your piano teacher would prepare everything you need — and I’d have a free lifetime supply of Lebanese kebab. We both know that’s not going to happen (sad face). You’re probably never going to find the “perfect” piano teacher, which means you’ll have to do some homework. Well … I’ve done it for you.

Here’s a simple guide to prepare you on what to know, and what to expect, before your first piano lesson.

Before Your Lesson

Your Heart’s Desire

Know exactly what you want before your first lesson. Do this one thing and you’re already in the top 90% of piano students. I can’t tell you how many times a client hasn’t even decided, by our first lesson, what music they want to play. Either that or they leave everything up to me.

What musical interests do you lean towards? Furthermore, does your teacher know how to actually teach it? Because learning something like jazz can be a totally different path than playing classical music.

​Also, how serious are you? Do you want to…

