Now or Never

Warren Lee
3 min readNov 28, 2023

Kasper is my first dog.

Well, my first real dog. I’ve had family dogs in the past, but it’s the first time I felt like an official owner.

Meeko was my second.

He was my first adoption, a shelter dog we flew over from another country. Now that was a whole can of worms, a story for another time.

Winston’s my third.

The first corgi I’ve ever had and, in all likelihood, not the last (there’s something special about this breed).

My life has sometimes felt like one bad event after another. Many times I found myself wishing I could turn back time à la Prince of Persia.

But no matter how many stupid decisions I’ve made, dogs were never one of them.

And each time I welcomed these loyal companions into my home, there was one common ingredient:

I wasn’t ready.

When my wife and I were “window-shopping” (back when pet stores still sold dogs) we had absolutely no intention of bringing Kasper home.

It was worth it to see the look on my roommate’s face though — SURPRISE!

When we decided to adopt Meeko from a dog shelter in Taiwan, I thought I was prepared.

