Wavelength Roadmap Updates

2 min readFeb 8, 2023



Careful Planning is an essential part of any successful business. But planning must also consider changes in the market or conditions available to allow a project the flexibility to adapt to changing needs. Wavelength is a product that took months of careful preparation and planning to ensure a robust structure capable of withstanding the harshest market conditions.

For Wavelength, it’s time to adapt.

The Change

As you may have noticed, if you pay close attention to Wavelength’s progress, the first update Wavelength is launching is veWAVE and the adaptation to governance. The decision to prioritize veWAVE is a change from the original roadmap plan, which considered the launch of Linear Pools as the first update to Wavelength.

This adaptation marks the prioritization of community ownership and governance that marks Wavelength’s every move.

Wavelength is a community-owned platform built by the community, for the community, and soon, owned by the community.

With this in mind, Wavelength’s Roadmap is undergoing a change, where the Phase II of the Roadmap is being moved to Phase I.

Why Is Wavelength Adapting the Roadmap ?

Roadmap changes are not something to be taken lightly, and multiple factors are involved in executing these changes.

The first factor involved is the fact that Wavelength is, above all, a community project. Moving to DAO Governance signifies this mission statement and proves to the Velas and Wavelength Communities how seriously Wavelength takes this mission statement.

The second factor in this change is the need for supporting protocols to utilize linear pools. Velas does not yet have the infrastructure for linear pools to be deployed, a limitation that Wavelength itself can’t fix.

The third factor is the recent Balancer vulnerability report regarding ComposableStablePools, the Linear Pool type Wavelength was going to offer. Security concerns are a major aspect of Web3 development, and developers must take them seriously. The motto should always be: “If you’re not certain it’s secure, then don’t build it.” You can find the report here: https://twitter.com/Balancer/status/1611363559685898247

Looking Towards The Future

Wavelength will continue to innovate the Velas DeFi Ecosystem and bring value to the community. The founding principles of this protocol remain unchanged, and Wavelength will continue to do the necessary work to improve the Velas Ecosystem.

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We are proud to announce Wavelength, the most advanced AMM on Velas Blockchain.