Nuclear Energy: A Path to Sustainable Progress

6 min readMay 25, 2023


Art done by Orano

Since the world started to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic, most countries and it’s people have been experiencing a variety of challenges. One of these challenges are the current global energy crisis, that started in the end of 2021. This crisis have affected many people, and have gotten worse, since the war in Ukraine further escalated in February of 2022. The west (particularity Germany), have been heavily reliant of Russian energy exports for several decades. Since the attack on Nord stream, by the US government, and the EU’s attempt on trying to distance itself on Russian energy exports. Therefore new questions about how to satisfy the needs for energy, while also not harming the climate comes up again.

Why nuclear energy?

Art done by Orano

Nuclear energy originates from the splitting of uranium atoms, which is a process called for fission. This process generates heat to produce steam, which is used by a turbine generator to generate electricity. Because nuclear power plants do not burn any fuel, they do not produce greenhouse gas emissions. Because nuclear energy is a low-carbon or carbon-free energy source, meaning it produces almost no greenhouse gas emissions during the electricity generation process. This characteristic makes it a valuable tool in mitigating climate change and reducing our reliance on fossil fuels. Especially, when thinking about the European Union’s climate target plan of 2030, focuses on reducing greenhouse gas emissions to at least 55% below the emissions levels that were shown in the 1990’s, by 2030.

If more countries, start using nuclear energy, then the emission levels, will be even lower. This will also result in a rapid reduction in air pollution. Unlike conventional power plants that burn fossil fuels, nuclear power plants do not release harmful pollutants such as sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, or particulate matter into the atmosphere. This significantly improves air quality, reduces respiratory illnesses, as well as not harming future generations cognitive development, and also protects the environment.

Nuclear power plants also have a smaller physical footprint compared to other large-scale renewable energy facilities like solar or wind farms. They can generate significant amounts of electricity in a relatively small area, allowing for land conservation and minimizing habitat disruption. This protects both our wildlife, and makes each country that produces nuclear energy, more self reliant, as well as making energy more affordable for people, regardless on which season it is of the year.

Decentralized Power Generation, of nuclear power plants can be strategically located near areas of high electricity demand, reducing transmission and distribution losses. This decentralized approach enhances grid resilience and reduces the need for long-distance transmission lines, resulting in a more efficient and robust energy infrastructure. Energy Density, is also another benefit because of this. Nuclear fuel has an incredibly high energy density, meaning a small amount of nuclear fuel can produce a substantial amount of energy. This efficiency results in less fuel consumption and a smaller volume of waste generated compared to other energy sources, making it a more resource-efficient option.

International Cooperation and Diplomacy: Nuclear energy cooperation promotes international collaboration and peaceful uses of nuclear technology. It enables countries to work together on research, development, and standardization, fostering global partnerships for sustainable and safe nuclear energy utilization.

Safety of nuclear energy

Nuclear power plants are designed with multiple layers of safety systems to prevent accidents and minimize risks. These include advanced containment structures, redundant safety systems, and strict operational protocols. Stringent regulations and international standards are in place to ensure the safety of nuclear power plants.

There is also ongoing research and development in the nuclear energy sector have focused on improving safety measures, enhancing waste management techniques, and developing advanced reactor designs. These advancements aim to address concerns associated with older nuclear facilities, making future nuclear power plants even safer and more efficient.

Nuclear anxiety is of course a genuine fear many have because of the tragedies of Chernobyl and Fukushima, as well as the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki under World war two, were the world witnessed mass destruction and loss of several human lives. By implementing these measures and continuously striving for improvement, we can minimize the risks associated with nuclear energy and prevent another Chernobyl or Fukushima-like incident.

  1. Regular safety assessments and upgrades: Conduct comprehensive safety assessments of existing nuclear power plants to identify potential vulnerabilities and areas for improvement. Implement necessary upgrades and modifications based on the latest safety standards and technological advancements.

2. Proper training and qualification: Ensure that personnel involved in nuclear operations receive thorough training, qualifications, and ongoing professional development. This includes plant operators, technicians, engineers, and safety inspectors.

3.Advanced reactor designs: Continue investing in research and development to improve reactor designs with enhanced safety features. This includes passive safety systems that rely on natural processes, advanced fuel designs, and better containment structures to mitigate the consequences of accidents and minimize the release of radioactive materials.

4. Emergency preparedness and response: Develop robust emergency plans and procedures to effectively respond to nuclear incidents. This includes training and regular drills for plant personnel and emergency responderes, establishing clear communication channels, and coordinating with relevant authorities and organizations at local, national, and international levels.

From what we can conclude, embracing nuclear energy will hold a significant promise for a sustainable and environmentally friendly future, for us all. Switching to this greener energy alternative, that has low- carbon and green house emissions, coupled with a massive reduction in air pollution and land conservation benefits, positions nuclear energy as a key player in combating climate change and safeguarding our planet. The ongoing technological advancements, and the proper training, will make it safer to produce and further develop safer systems around how we can use nuclear energy to improve the quality of life for everyone and prevent disasters that can claim several lives.


ENEC (Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation). (n.d.). How nuclear energy works. Retrieved from

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA): The IAEA provides information and reports on the environmental benefits of nuclear energy. Their publications and research can be found on their official website:

World Nuclear Association (WNA): The WNA is a global organization that provides reliable information on nuclear power and its environmental impact. Their website offers resources, publications, and reports:

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC): The IPCC assesses scientific information on climate change and its impacts. Their reports include information on the role of nuclear energy in mitigating climate change. You can access their publications at:

Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI): The NEI is the policy organization of the nuclear energy and technologies industry in the United States. Their website offers resources, reports, and fact sheets on various aspects of nuclear energy:

National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL): While NREL primarily focuses on renewable energy, they also provide comparative analyses and studies on different energy sources, including nuclear energy. Their website contains research publications:

Scientific journals and publications: Academic journals such as “Nuclear Technology,” “Energy Policy,” “Progress in Nuclear Energy,” and “Nuclear Engineering and Design” publish research papers related to nuclear energy’s environmental benefits. Access to these journals may require a subscription or access through academic institutions.




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