WAP Testimonials : Dec 2017

WAP Community
We Are Peers
Published in
4 min readDec 19, 2017

We organized a peer learning session at emlyon business school in December. 100 students and shared about their career experience in field of food industry, finance, learning and education, fashion industry, sport industry, entrepreneurship… They work together to define the sector and roles that motivates them. Here are the testimonials:

“We were all in comfortable and in trust opening pathways to others without being judgmental : this state of mind cannot be replicated out of this course I think; I met my peers outside, and we were clearly different towards each other” — Clement

“Even though we also have group discussion in other class, I was not really motivated to do the group discussion, I preferred to work alone. However, WAP is different from other classes I have taken, I feel that it is really focus on the idea of ‘’sharing with other and learning from peers’’. Everyone is motivated to shares and I enjoyed the class atmosphere. This new experience gives me the chance to learn from others.” — Pei Ju

“This seminar should definitively last more than two nights.”

“I was very surprised to see how much you can learn about yourself and others in such a short time period ! During all the WAP session, I felt very proud, of my peers and myself.”- Manon

“I would like it to be longer ! At the beginning I really don’t know what to expect. But I, and everybody I know, really enjoyed this experience.” — Alban

I often feel like working at school for grades with little interest in the subject; while at WAP I took a real pleasure and was proud of my work. — Zoe

“It’s worth being developed as a whole program, spread on one entire semester, with several goals and learning outcomes.” — Aaron

“I consider these two days as an introduction to WAP. I think that this concept can have many more applications than finding its career guidance.” — Remy

“The power of sharing and learning with WAP is much stronger beyond my imagination. It makes me think, gives me motivation, and also gives me the opportunity to help. “ — Cheng-an

“Promotions are more and more numerous, the courses are more and more digital, and that, in my opinion, is very detrimental to the sharing of experiences. I would even go so far as to say that this moment should be compulsory for all students. Specific workshops could be imposed on all students.” — Hugo

“By getting off the beaten track, this program allows something new in the school, something really in accordance with the motto ‘early makers’.— Benjamin

“The spirit of the pedagogy and the design are completely aligned with my projects and my aspirations!” — Camille

Photo credits: Honglu



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