What is ‘Aspirational travel’: A Look at WEGOGO’s WeChat App-in-App

WeGold 🚀Travel
2 min readMay 10, 2018


What is ‘Aspirational travel’?

If you’ve been following our project closely, you would have spotted this term popping up a couple of times on our channels. But what is Aspirational travel?

‘Aspirational travel’ experiences referred to the following:

  • Island getaways
  • Adventure pursuits
  • Eco-tourism
  • Authentic local activities

This pretty makes ‘Aspirational travel’ the umbrella term for off-the-beaten path adventures showcasing the most authentic and local activities! From Jet Ski to Snorkeling, WEGOGO is the travel platform that connects Chinese millennial travellers to all these lesser-known, but equally as exciting spots for traveling.

Meanwhile, the ‘long tail’ of the travel industry refers to the large number of local activities, tours, attractions and events in a destination that inspire travellers to go places.

The WeChat Super App-in-App

WEGOGO provides a social travel platform that is currently available as a WeChat and iOS App (and soon-to-be-rolled out Android).

Using the app, travellers can directly be connected with the aspirational, long-tail of travel, view curated activities and make their bookings on the app. The beta has achieved 6,000 transactions as of June 2018.

That means there is actually a demand for such travel experiences. We foresee more and more Chinese Millennials embarking on a search for truly localized and authentic experiences by small local travel service providers, many of which having difficulty getting featured on larger and more established OTAs (Online Travel Agents) such as Ctrip, Tuniu and AliTrip.

Over 5,000 travel service providers across 12 islands have been spotlighted on our platform, and we’re looking scale this to 16,000 activities across 125 islands globally with the help of our upcoming ‘PathFinder’ model!

Reach us on:

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Email: wegold@wegold.io

