Prevention is Key to End Malaria For Good Statement for World Malaria Day - by Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus

We Want #DrTedros4WHODG
3 min readApr 25, 2017


(The costs of prevention of malaria far outweigh treatment costs.)

On World Malaria Day, we must celebrate our progress. New malaria cases fell by 21% between 2010 and 2015 worldwide, and malaria death rates fell by 29% in the same period. Yet though malaria is preventable and treatable — it is still claiming too many lives around the world.

I speak often about my personal experiences with malaria in the field as a young public health officer. Soon after joining the Ministry of Health in Ethiopia, I was part of the team to respond to a malaria outbreak. I not only experienced the effects of malaria first hand when I was infected myself, I observed the malaria epidemic’s shocking health effects on adults and children and how it crippled communities and caused economic hardship. Those were the moments in which I committed my life to health. Soon after, I pursued a doctorate in community health, conducting community-based, operational and implementation research and looking for ways to better address malaria.

When I became Minister of Health of Ethiopia, I had the chance to implement these and other solutions, taking revenge on the disease I had seen ravage so many communities. We designed a comprehensive malaria control strategy with ambitious targets. Through strong government commitment, we undertook the monumental task of distributing 22 million long-lasting insecticide-treated bed nets over a two-year period. In doing so, we protected 50 million people at risk, increased bed net coverage from 6 to nearly 70 percent, and reduced morbidity due to malaria by 75 percent and malaria deaths by more than 50% percent. And over the last 12 years there has been no major outbreak of malaria in Ethiopia. That is why I am pleased that on this World Malaria Day, WHO and its partners are focusing on prevention. We must continue to invest in prevention tools in order to put all countries on the path toward elimination.

On 22nd May 2015, member states recommitted to these efforts by adopting the Global Technical Strategy and Targets for Malaria 2016–2030. The five principles outlined in that document are what must guide our work forward — acceleration of efforts towards elimination; country ownership and leadership, with the involvement and participation of communities; improved surveillance, monitoring and evaluation; equity in access to health services; and innovation in tools and implementation approaches.

Defeating malaria is absolutely critical to ending poverty, improving the health of millions and enabling future generations to reach their full potential. Today, and every day, let us recommit to ending malaria for good.

You can read more about Dr. Tedros and his vision for a healthy world as #NextDG at his website: — and follow along with his campaign on social media at and on Twitter at @DrTedros. Sign up for the campaign’s newsletter `From the Desk of Dr. Tedros’ at



We Want #DrTedros4WHODG

Dr. Tedros Adhanom, was elected by a majority of World Health Organization member states as the new Director General on May 23, 2017-He’ll take the helm 7/1/17.