Frankenstein, Pollock, and the Algorithmic Void: The Limits of AI-Generated Art

Embodiment, Context, and the Struggle for Meaning in Artistic Expression

Jeffrey Anthony
15 min readApr 9, 2024


Generated on DreamStudio

My most recent article on Medium took a critical look at the actual output of AI Music Engine through the lens of my extensive experience as a musician and music analyst. With 25 years of touring the world, playing on hundreds of records as a professional session drummer, and 17 years analyzing music for Pandora’s Music Genome Project, I bring a unique perspective to the current discourse on AI and art. It is from this vantage point that I attempt to examine the recent emergence of AI-generated text, art and music. Beyond the technical sophistication of these systems, I aim to explore the deeper questions they raise about creativity, authenticity, embodied experience in artistic expression, and their potential impact on society and the human condition.

The feedback I received, both publicly and privately, regarding my last piece was overwhelmingly positive. One paragraph in particular seemed to…



Jeffrey Anthony

Exploring art, culture, & society. Delving into AI, meritocracy, music, & resonance in an age of disenchantment. Seeking meaning in a complex world.