Meet Andrei Huseu, Wealthman CEO.

2 min readMar 27, 2018


We are starting the series of articles dedicated to our team members. The first to be introduced is our CEO, Andrei Huseu. The core thinker and the Perpetuum mobile, he pushes the project forward at an incredible pace.

Some fact about Andrei:

Out of 16 years of experience in investment banking and asset management, Andrei has 11 years of experience as a CEO, since 2015 a managing partner of Mera Capital group. Has an impressive track of successful investments in equity, private equity, crypto assets.

He is an author of several scientific research in the field of financial statistics and gives expert comments that journalists quote in their articles to enrich the material. Here are few latest examples:

February 7, 2018: Challenge or Opportunity: How Should ICOs View the Recent Facebook Ad Ban?

February 8, 2018: Can Regulations Address Consumer Protection Gaps in Cryptocurrency Trading?

March 7, 2018: What Crypto Regulations Would Really Mean for Governments

March 9, 2018: Will 2018 be the Year Cryptocurrency Rule Making and Enforcement?

March 11, 2018: Why Some Central Banks are Developing their Own Virtual Currencies

Andrei invites you to follow him on the LinkedIn:

